Hurricane Katrina and Me...

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Good info there and you are right, shows what can happen when it is done right. One of my relatives was in the military at the time and earned a medal for his assistance in the aftermath. I have the article around here somewhere.
Adler did you know that the woman govenor of Lousiana refused fed assistance stating she wanted to watch the situation first before replying and of course overuled the mayer of N.O. stating she was in control..............control of what, her bodily functions ? Bush is going to take some heat of course for all of this crap

N.O. is a biological nightmare ready to spring forth, you couldn't pay me enough to go back there right now
As an outsider I listened to Bushes speech last night and I thought it was bollocks and he was just covering his ass as he knew the public was not going to accept finger pointing from him so all that was left was to own up to a major cock up on his part. Driving round on the back of a truck was just a publicity stunt and it seems that the slack left by the lack of local or national govenment action has been taken up by the work and generosity of the ordinary US public.
I agree Adler but as a human being what would any of us do in his boots I would be kicking asses and telling the rescue,relief, and military to get there act into gear from day one, congress would never go against you as it would make them out to be anti aid and effect there electoral prospects in the future and even if my chances for reelection went tits up I could at least look myself in the mirror knowing I had done my best for my fellow countrymen. I suppose that's a very naive attitude on my part sorry guys.
The thing that gets me is that Bush ALWAYS has that stupid smirk on his face... Makes him look totally artificial and insincere....

I have to agree 100%, all his speeches and visits are publicity motivated... He may feel sorry for all of us down here, but deep inside, he just trying to save face now... The problems have already been uncovered and all he and his administration can do now is backpeddle...
Guys Erich has a point: It's not all Bush's fault! Imagine if John Kerry was over this. He would probably not have made his mind up about sending the National Guard or even assisting!
Impression of John Kerry.....

"Im deciding to send the National Guard! Oh wait, never mind hold them for a while. Im going to ask Mexico what i can do. Or maybe my beloved France..."
P38 I know you are love Bush to death and would lick his ass if he would let you but man give it up. Bush fucked up here just like most poloticians did. It is not just him they all did. They fucked up all the way down to the state level. Even people that love Bush as much you do, can see this, why cant you see through his face. Damn dude!
Bringing up what Kerry would do in this situation is irrelevant. That is a "what if" at best and I could really care less about that. What we need to care about is what happened at ALL levels, and how to fix this. It could happen again and I can tell you that it will, somewhere. Lack of preparation for it is an excuse that will only hold water one time. There is plenty of fault to go around, and they are all guilty of being unprepared.
Ok here's some news:

Residents are going to again STAY in New Orleans when Hurricane Rita comes through.

Now defending your home is one thing but staying when another Hurricane comes through that is almost equivalent to Katrina is going to fuck those people's worlds!!

If i were there i would get my ass out because looters are going to be worse once the Hurricane starts along with the flooding.
P38, you should really calm down on your righty attitudes......... Bush is not very inteligent, he's just told what to do by his personal advisors, if someone can mispell "barriers" for "terriers" it's a shitty situation.......

To say "whai if Kerry". Kerry is definitely much more inteligent than W but also much more lefty so he'd probably won't attack AFG and Iraq...
I dont know which one is smarter and I will not get into that. Personally I dont like either one but one thing I do know is all levels of government failed here during Katrina.
Les or any of our US friends could you update me on how things are going in N.O. as over this side of the pond it's all gone a bit quite news wise and i would be interested to find out how the recovery is progressing (slowly I would imagine) Also Les how is your house now, have the builders done any repairs and did you discover if your matlot (sailor) friend did survive?.
I don't have a lot of info on NO, but I did see yesterday that they mayor of New Orleans had to lay off 3,000 city workers. Not looking good there. I also understand that one of the big problems going on down there now is mold (big surprise!).

The cost of building supplies at DIY stores has doubled and it looks like it could be tripled by the end of the month! And I was getting ready to do some project around the house now that the weather has cooled, but looks like they are going to get scaled back a bit.

I understand supply and demand. I also fully understand that the people down there more desperately need plywood and other material more than I do. But I wonder if some of these stores aren't being opportunistic as well.

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