I Need Some Prayers From U Guys, Hurricane Gustav Style...

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If you have 421 of them, some of them have to be larger right? He's been talking about them since he's been on the forum. Otherwise that would be one scarred tree.

And Mr. C, you have 421 Jap Maples? Have 1 and its about 4ft in diameter. How big is your yard!!??

I have four planted in the ground, the tallest is six feet. I have about
fifty cultivars in pots on the east side of the house, tallest is four feet
or so. There are five or six in pots in the front. The rest are in "bands"
{4" X 6" plastic pots} sitting on the east side of the house.

My whole yard is 1/3 of an acre. I have three tables in the back yard with
JM's in 6" pots on them. Drop by on your way to Atlantic City....

Charles how about some more pics of the yard ? my place is a mess right now till I clean it up so I can post J Maples from my little spot in the NW.

E ~
Charles how about some more pics of the yard ? my place is a mess right now till I clean it up so I can post J Maples from my little spot in the NW.

E ~

I can do that. This has not been a good year for JM's. The temperature
jumped from the high 70's to the low 90's in two days. That stressed a lot
of them out big time. It's almost time for the fall landscapers to visit me,
and I won't have much to pick from. In April and May I sold 200 JM's to
landscapers and contractors. I've been concentrating on houseplants
[geraniums, ivy geraniums and two kinds of spider plants] most of the
summer. They sell well, too. Pic's soon....

great ! will look forward to pics. Charles am hoping the enxt weeks to visit forest farms or at least to see what they have left of their J. Maple stocks. came back through 5 different nurseries in northern Oregon and the fall colours are already coming on up that way to my north 200 miles.

we also got thumped by weather as the Maples were starting to leaf and form it went from 65F to 100F withing 10 days and really ripped the maples with severe leaf burn on everything, several oversized maples in pots have been moved continually this spring/summer
Well, Charles..I'm glad to hear it wasn't my little maple that was having a bad time, I was worried about it. No, I wasn't over watering. She has vastly improved this last week, its like she woke up.
Glad to hear that, Becca. The majority of mine look bad. Leaves dropping
or turning brown... drying up. Some held up good, epecially those in the front
that have about 60% shade during the day. Pic's soon.

Glad you made it without any sh*t. I just hope we do not get any floods here where I live, last year was bad and the year before that.

I am sure as hell glad I do not live where there are tornado's, earthquakes, volcano's and tropical storms.

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