Due to the typical late-year-crunch-time at work not a whole lot of modelling has been happeling the last few days, but I did managed to do a few small things so here a few pics taking with my IPhone (sorry for the pink hue to it, it seems the IPhone can't handle these artificial lighting around my workbench very well).
Most notable, I glued the appropriate wingstips for the MK.VIII in place. A little trimming of the joins assured a very decent fit indeed. There's some filling/sanding (and prolly scribing to restore a few panel lines) yet to be done in the area, but there's no ridges along these two joins. In addition some minor sinkmarks and such have been taken care of in various spots. Look carefully and you'll notice a sanded down bead of Mr.Surfacer here and there. I've also started trimming down the ailerons to the smaller sized ones that were fitted to the MK.VIII.
In accordance with Terry's suggestion to use the Hasegawa prop blades I've been digging up some more bits and pieces from my failed Hasegawa Spit of two year ago. The last two pics show the
entire Hasegawa prop blades/spinner assembly taped together loosely on the nose of the ICM kit. After looking at MK.VIII diagrams and drawings for some more I'm inclinded to think I could use the entire Hasegawa prop/spinner assembly. The spinner seems a lot better to shape compared to the ICM parts (which seem rather skinny, especially the spinner) The Hasegawa parts need only minor trimming to fit the ICM fuselage. In my opinion this aids the overall profile/shape quite a bit and gives it a more brutal/threatening look. What do the Spitfire experts think?
I hope to keep working on it, time permitting, the coming week or so, but it won't be until next thursday that I'll be having a few extra days off until Jan. 2nd and hopefully be able to make some serious headway with this one.