If italy Joined the allies World War 2

Would the allies have been succesful if italy had joined them

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They were no threat. They were never coming up. Any forces the Germans needed to "defend" the southern front were negligible.
They still need troops down there to defend like u don't just use a couple of germans soldiers
I can do this too...

England sees that Italy has joined the allies and thinks all is lost because Italy is a huge major player you know. England joins forces with the Germans. The Royal Navy annihilates the Italian Navy. England and Germany take France and march to Moscow. England changes its language to German.

That's how these what ifs are won... :lol:
They still need troops down there to defend like u don't just use a couple of germans soldiers

But they don't need much, because there is no way the Italians are coming up. Germany's military leadership was not stupid. Why would they mass a huge Army at a border that is not a huge threat?
Look, I get it that you like Italy. That's cool, but we have to look at all the factors in this scenario.
France was a major power in 1940 Europe and Germany steam-rolled them, killing 390,000 French soldiers for the loss of 35,000 of their own.
Then let's look at how Italy did historically in Ethiopia and North Africa and put that historical performance into this scenario.
Just imagine Rommel unleashed against Italian troops and armor, which did not perform well historically against Allied elements.
I can do this too...

England sees that Italy has joined the allies and thinks all is lost because Italy is a huge major player you know. England joins forces with the Germans. The Royal Navy annihilates the Italian Navy. England and Germany take France and march to Moscow. England changes its language to German.

That's how these what ifs are won... :lol:
Scots Irish and Welsh invade England and make the world wear skirts while dancing to strangled cat type music.
Look, I get it that you like Italy. That's cool, but we have to look at all the factors in this scenario.
France was a major power in 1940 Europe and Germany steam-rolled them, killing 390,000 French soldiers for the loss of 35,000 of their own.
Then let's look at how Italy did historically in Ethiopia and North Africa and put that historical performance into this scenario.
Just imagine Rommel unleashed against Italian troops and armor, which did not perform well historically against Allied elements.

Thats really the entire thing here.

1. Italy was not a major power.
2. They were ill equipped and poorly led.

You have to completely re-write Italian pre-war history to make this scenario work. That or change what the French and British do in Sept/October 1939.
I can do this too...

England sees that Italy has joined the allies and thinks all is lost because Italy is a huge major player you know. England joins forces with the Germans. The Royal Navy annihilates the Italian Navy. England and Germany take France and march to Moscow. England changes its language to German.

That's how these what ifs are won... :lol:
Scots Irish and Welsh invade England and make the world wear skirts while dancing to strangled cat type music.
I prefer Chris's scenario.

Rather be German than Scottish, hell I'd take being French over being Scottish anyday ! :lol:
Thats really the entire thing here.

1. Italy was not a major power.
2. They were ill equipped and poorly led.

You have to completely re-write Italian pre-war history to make this scenario work. That or change what the French and British do in Sept/October 1939.
Thats true, but they had a lot of people and their navy was a danger. Take out the Italian navy and its presence from WW2 and the Battle of the Atlantic is much different. With equipment and training the Italians could be as any other, like the Polish and other nations contributions to Commonwealth forces. If Benito hadnt joined with Adolf, Adolf would have to invade to avoid having to keep huge armies in Austria south France and Romania.
Rather be German than Scottish, hell I'd take being French over being Scottish anyday !
Dunno, in WWI, when the Highlanders piped toward German lines, the Germans fell back because the "Ladies from Hell" advancing on their lines freaked them out.

As for this scenario, I have a feeling that emotions are a large factor. Italy has a long and rich history and had Mussolini not assumed control, I suspect that Italy may have remained neutral as their economy (like many other nations at the time) was in shambles.

As far as wanting alternate history based on ancestry goes, I could have a field day, since all my ancestors hail from countries that either no longer exist or are no longer sovereign.
I have Prussian, Saxon German, Highlander Scot and Oglala Sioux - just imagine the "what-ifs" we could come up with any of those...
Dunno, in WWI, when the Highlanders piped toward German lines, the Germans fell back because the "Ladies from Hell" advancing on their lines freaked them out.

As for this scenario, I have a feeling that emotions are a large factor. Italy has a long and rich history and had Mussolini not assumed control, I suspect that Italy may have remained neutral as their economy (like many other nations at the time) was in shambles.

As far as wanting alternate history based on ancestry goes, I could have a field day, since all my ancestors hail from countries that either no longer exist or are no longer sovereign.
I have Prussian, Saxon German, Highlander Scot and Oglala Sioux - just imagine the "what-ifs" we could come up with any of those...
Well if you have Scottish ancestry then we cant be friends anymore :evil4:

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