If italy Joined the allies World War 2

Would the allies have been succesful if italy had joined them

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ok what plane would you use huh?
Go peruse the Gaming section of the forum.
Typically I flew the Fw190A-8 or the Me262A-1a
Also keep in mind that while I haven't run a SIM in seven years, I ran SIMs from the late 80's through 2013.
(Air Warrior, Jane's WW2 Fighters, CFS2, CFS3 & IL-2 (versions through 1946).
Also did program modelling and airframe development in CFS3.

Also, over the years, I found the ones who always said they were "going to take you out" were the ones whi went down first.
It's the quiet ones you had to be careful of...
in your opinion what was better CFS3 or il-2?
by the way, you may be a "veteran" but I'm an eager recruit
amma pull up in a reggiane 2005
My dad's "Persian" friend brought some good saffron my mom used to make risotto and that is the extent of how well i know Iranian food.
So, After saffron, try Caviar!

Not food, but also turquoise is suggested!

Anyway, Have you seen Paul Barb aka "Geography Now"?

and about Topic:

Italy's Main service rifle (Carcano) was good, side guns are OK!!! and Machine guns, well, it really sucks.

The Armor, It almost had nothing to say!

Artillery: Outdated

Navy: Possibly best part of Italian Armed Forces

Air Force: I have no Idea! leave it to experts.

In one word:

If Italy ever decided to join the Allies, They would have best Fleet in entire Mediterranean area on their side, but on the ground, almost nothing! Italy was not a big obstacle for Germans to be fronted. It needed Help from allies.
Early Typhoon sims were supplied with a two stroke lawn mower for that extra bit of realism, this was refined in later models to a badly adjusted gas heater.
I'm confused about the caviar turquoise stuff and only watched geography now when Artur rehi reacted to it
In the mountains, I believe the Italian army could hold while its light machine gun was not amazing most of its oil jams if I am not mistaken was from the desert and they would be fighting in Europe. It still only had 20 rounds so whatever. The 1939 armor Italy had was atrocious but remember they are fighting in the alps anyways and the m13/39 came around which was a decent tank for 1940. artillery was outdated but still usable and the larger newer cannons like the 149/19 cannons were harder to bring up anyways. The Italian air force was also pretty good with the c.200, g.50, cr.42/32, sm.79. Plus by 1941 the Folgore came out.
And you are forgetting Germany had to also face France and Brittain.
in your opinion what was better CFS3 or il-2?
by the way, you may be a "veteran" but I'm an eager recruit
amma pull up in a reggiane 2005
To be 100% honest: CFS3
Oleg dumbed down the Axis fighters prior to V4.06 and it was frustrating. Gaijin has been known to pull the same stunt in WT.

"Eager Recruits" tend to experience "Jagdfeiber" and the old-timers can spot it and exploit it
What is wrong with good hearty German food?

The joke when I was in Spain was that a European's idea of heaven is where the British are the police, the Germans are the mechanics, the Italians are the cooks, and the French are the lovers. A European's idea of hell is where the British are the cooks, the Italians are the mechanics, the Germans are the police ... and the French are still the lovers.

Rob, if you want to learn a bit about the self-defeat the French inflicted upon themselves, find and read The Third Republic from William Shirer. It is not about the war itself, but about the prelude to war, going into the fractious divisions in French politics and society that weakened it internally long before Poland was invaded, indeed before Hitler was appointed by Hindenburg.

I also read a book from a French historian, called Sixty Days That Shook the West, which also delves into the factionalization which harmed France so much.
Follow his advice and you will do just fine. Those that stick around usually discover this is a great and fun place.

Remembering that what you don't know almost always outweighs what you do know is a good way to not only learn more, but to get those who do know more interested in helping you learn.

Or as Pa Thump used to say all the goddamned time, "You've got two ears and one mouth for a reason -- use them in that order."

The authority here wielded by many members in different fields, piloting, engineering, aeronautics, and so forth, is mind-boggling.
I'm confused about the caviar turquoise stuff and only watched geography now when Artur rehi reacted to it

Well, beside Saffron, Iran is No. 1 or one of top 10 producers of Pistachio, Stone Fruits, Caviar, Pearl, Turquoise, Zinc, Oil, Gas, and some other stuff!

and about topic:

Well, even Italy was not prepare for battle! Not only from military side of view, but almost from all other aspects! at best, Italy's Armed Forces were fully equipped, modernized, standardized, mobilized in mid-war years!!! This include all branches plus local security units like Gendarmerie or Police.

We have a few really nice Turkish places here in the St. Louis area.
When I was in PolySci it was:

In heaven, the British are the police, the Germans are the administrators and the French are the cooks.
In hell, the British are the cooks, the Germans are the police and the Italians are the administrators.

Ah college.

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