If italy Joined the allies World War 2

Would the allies have been succesful if italy had joined them

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1939 Germany would not have been able to break through since they had TWO fronts

You are assuming the Italians would have had the capabilities to launch an offensive into Germany. Remember those Alps in the way. Oh, and Switzerland. Italy would have been a cheerleader...
They already had TWO fronts in 1939.

ONE: Western Front (France, Belgium, Netherlands...)

TWO: Eastern Front (Poland)

Italy would have made a southern Third Front, but Germany had Switzerland and the Alps in the way.
well they had Austria so they were bordering Italy but we are talking about after Poland fell
well they had Austria so they were bordering Italy but we are talking about after Poland fell

After Poland fell, Italy is still a cheerleader. Historically speaking what kind of offensive were they going to launch into Germany? Austria is still an Alpine country. Good luck getting the poor Italian armor through it.

Lets look at their track record:

North Africa? Needed the Germans to bail them out.

Albania/Greece? Needed the Germans to bail them out. Forced the Germans to change their plans for Operation Barbarossa by 6 weeks (which slightly may have impacted whether the German's reached Moscow or not).
After Poland fell, Italy is still a cheerleader. Historically speaking what kind of offensive were they going to launch into Germany? Austria is still an Alpine country. Good luck getting the poor Italian armor through it.

Lets look at their track record:

North Africa? Needed the Germans to bail them out.

Albania/Greece? Needed the Germans to bail them out. Forced the Germans to change their plans for Operation Barbarossa by 6 weeks (which slightly may have impacted whether the German's reached Moscow or not).
In 1952, the Historical Branch of the UK Cabinet Office concluded that the Balkan Campaign had no influence on the launching of Operation Barbarossa
According to Robert Kirchubel, "the main causes for deferring Barbarossa's start from 15 May to 22 June were incomplete logistical arrangements and an unusually wet winter that kept rivers at full flood until late spring."
But now Italy has better logistics since it is not fighting in the desert and the royal navy
In 1952, the Historical Branch of the UK Cabinet Office concluded that the Balkan Campaign had no influence on the launching of Operation Barbarossa
According to Robert Kirchubel, "the main causes for deferring Barbarossa's start from 15 May to 22 June were incomplete logistical arrangements and an unusually wet winter that kept rivers at full flood until late spring."
But now Italy has better logistics since it is not fighting in the desert and the royal navy

Regardless, the Balkan campaign still demonstrated Italy's lackluster performance. If it needed help from Germany there, how would it fair against the Germans?
Not after the Anschluss, no? The Brenner Pass?

Any hypothetical invasion in either direction would have been pretty dumb imho. It's ideal defensive terrain.


There is a reason Germany respected Switzerland's neutrality. And regarding this hypothetical scenario here, neither Germany or Italy was going to muster much of a fight on this southern front in 1939.
".... Lets look at their track record:

North Africa? Needed the Germans to bail them out.

Albania/Greece? Needed the Germans to bail them out."

Good to bare in mind that the Italian military had already been decisively beaten ... in East Africa, Abyssinia. Tribesmen and the Brits.
Deloped a taste for losing ..... despite some outstanding outfits.:salute:

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