If italy Joined the allies World War 2

Would the allies have been succesful if italy had joined them

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Amended Post #116
Hardly anyone here plays flight sims, many of us are actual pilots, me not since the 1980's but there are a lot of guys here that still fly regularly or for a living.
Hey now!
Some of us used to run combat sims back in the day - combine the knowledge of WWII aircraft with actual flight experience and you have a hell of alot of fun tearing through the opponents.
Almost to the point of feeling bad for them.

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Hey now!
Some of us used to run combat sims back in the day - combine the knowledge of WWI aircraft with actual flight experience and you have a hell of alot of fun tearing through the opponents.
Almost to the point of feeling bad for them.


Remember what is said about flying combat sims - ""Include the toxic cockpit fumes, the extreme heat or cold, sitting on a lumpy seat while restrained with belts that almost cut through your soaking wet flight suit and have a 300 pound woman sit on you every time you pull Gs - oh while breathing smelly oxygen through a face mask that smells like a prophylactic."

Remember what is said about flying combat sims - ""Include the toxic cockpit fumes, the extreme heat or cold, sitting on a lumpy seat while restrained with belts that almost cut through your soaking wet flight suit and have a 300 pound woman sit on you every time you pull Gs - oh while breathing smelly oxygen through a face mask that smells like a prophylactic."
Yep and add (from a convo ages ago): "Want to get close to 'realistic' game algorithms? When you're KIA in-game, that's it. You cannot respawn, cannot rejoin or start another game. The program bans you forever. You're done, period."
To be honest, German, Polish and probably Russian food in the late 1930's was probably better than the British food of the time.

And I say that as a Brit who likes cooking
Hey now!
Some of us used to run combat sims back in the day - combine the knowledge of WWII aircraft with actual flight experience and you have a hell of alot of fun tearing through the opponents.
Almost to the point of feeling bad for them.

i would destroy you with my macchi

Remember what is said about flying combat sims - ""Include the toxic cockpit fumes, the extreme heat or cold, sitting on a lumpy seat while restrained with belts that almost cut through your soaking wet flight suit and have a 300 pound woman sit on you every time you pull Gs - oh while breathing smelly oxygen through a face mask that smells like a prophylactic."
rip is it really that bad? i mean don't you g-suits?

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