Il-2 Cockpit Photos/Diagrams

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Hi Gnomey,

There is a IL-2 Stormovik manual in the manual section, Lots of pictures of gauges and such in the manual. Sorry its all in russian but maybe it will help.

Found this photo, kinda interesting. I will keep looking, may have some more



  • IL-2.JPG
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The only other picture I could find was this one. I thought I had a diagram for a IL-2 gauge layout in english but turned out to be for a Yak 9.

Hopefully the pictures help.



  • i185m71_standard_cockpit.jpg
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Unfortunately,the pic of the cockpit above is of the I-185 fighter.
There drawings of the Il-2 cockpit.I hope it was also helpful for you, Gnomey.
If I find free time I try to translate the Russian descriptions in your colour diagram.

source: "Моделист-Конструктор" 1967, №6


  • Il-2 cockpit.jpg
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I've just found this drawing of the Il2m3 cockpit.

source unknown.


  • Il2m3 cockpit.jpg
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Hi !!!
As you requested there is the English version.I hope I've done it in a proper way.I mean, I've translated it using the English grammar rules and it'll be understandable.


  • il2cockpit_english.jpg
    327 KB · Views: 1,474
I've caught.Unfortunately I can agree with you partially only.As far as the Russian planes are concerned their cockpits were painted with light grey colour ( Humbrol 64 for instance) and in early a/cs the instrument panels were painted on the same colour.So the cream colour could be an effect of mixture the light grey AJe-9 with the yellow primer ALG-9 for wooden parts or ALG-1 for the aluminium ones.From 1941 the metal parts were painted with yellow-grey colour (50% ALG-1 + 50% A-14)

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