Brigadier General
If u want to start name calling, I will.... Ive seen pussies like u on this board before, and u know what??? They aint here anymore....At least I dont revert to name calling like you do
If u want to disagree with someone and their information, feel free... But if u continue to do so in the snotty, uppity, "I'm better than u" attitude, I'll break it off in ur ass......
Have them come down here and laugh at my face...... U internet geeks amuse me to no end....I was showing my colleagues at work your posts, and they had a good laugh at you.
And???? Like u know me, or she knows me.... Ur just like the turd I flushed this morning....One of them teaches at a local college and she said she see's people like you from time to time.
U mind showing me where I said I was a know it all??? Ur the one that comes in here with all ur little statistics and so called "reference" material, and starts telling everyone ur right and all of us other "Amateurs" that we're wrong....Know it all's who get emotional when someone challenges their facts.
My grandfather was a Black Sheep, and I have been around the Fighter Ace community since I was old enough to walk... Ive accessed more information and data than I can remember... Ive had access to many many different individuals and for u to sit there in ur little computer chair with ur bullshiit "youre wrong" attitude dont belong here....
Blow it out ur ass....
If u want to contribute here, do so in a productive, informative way.... Not in the piss ass way u have been.....
If not, carry ur happy ass to another site and spew ur crap ass attitude on them...
And BTW, remember one thing, arguing with Administrators is not the best way to start out ur membership here.....