Italian Thunderjet - Hobby Boss F-84G in 1:32 scale

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Thanks for all comments.
One question, if you don't mind.
I understood that post war HVARs were painted "light grey" with "green" (may be olive drab) head and white fins. Any suggestion on the grey and on the green?
Many thanks
These pictures I found via the net. The first shot shows the HVARs painted with dark heads and grey ( quite dark ) main bodies. The second pic shows that better.

HVAR F-84G_1.jpg

HVAR F-84G_2.jpg

The enlarged and made brighter first shot reveals that tails were also of the dark paint these heads were as well.

HVAR F-84G_1a.jpg

However the image presents the tails of the light colour. I would say of the silver.

HVAR F-84G_2a.jpg

The pic seems to prove that these missiles were of silver tails.

HVAR F-84G_2b.jpg

HVAR F-84G_2c.jpg

The colour shot indicates that these rockets could be of the same paint these heads were. Please note the colours in the main shot but not in the enlarged and made brighter one.


HVAR F-84G_5a.jpg

However the image shows that these HVARs could be painted with one colour for heads and main bodies and possible these tails. But in the case it seems that the tails were of a very dark tone though.

HVAR F-84G_6.jpg

HVAR F-84G_6a.jpg
Two pictures more..

The first one shows the HVARs painted silver with red noses. Looking quite nice I would say.

HVAR F-84G_colour.jpg

However the image presnets the 5" HVAR painted in the way it can be seen in the first pictures above. A dark head, light main body and dark tail. Although the shot isn't accurate in colour tones I would say that the head and tail was of the same dark green paint. But the main body seems to be of a paint that was a silver one rather judging by the metalic tinge there.

HVAR 5inches.JPG

To sum up.. I would follow the scheme seen in the shot with the plane marked FS-613-A. and FS-029. Also I would add the dark, narrow strip between the head and the main body like it can be noticed in the pic above.. It would make them looking more interesting. However it is not necessarily.
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Very nice set of pictures, many thanks.
Unfortunately it seems that none can be of help concerning the way those rockets were attached to the inner pylon.
Concerning the colour, my number one reference pictures concerns two Italian 50th Group F-84F displayed with a complete panoply of armament.
HVARs looks clear grey with a dark green (or dark blue) head. In facts in this picture, tip of tanks and decoration on fin are surely blue while the large bomb in foreground and rockets heads are in a darker blue shade.
On plane 50-28 rocket heads are surely olive drab.

Further I found on the web pictures of 1:1 HVAR replica having an olive drab head and clear blue tails.
White colour for tails, comes from CMK instructions,
See pictures below.
F-84F 50-20.jpg
F-84F 50-28.jpg
In the pic of the two missiles, the bodies look to be metallic grey (a dull silver-grey), with Olive Drab warheads and what appear to be bare metal fins, hence the 'blue' tone on the fins, from reflected light.

On aircraft 50 - 20, the missiles appear to be a light grey, possibly something like Gull Grey or Ghost Grey, maybe even Neutral Gray, as the picture is slightly over-exposed, and in string sunlight.
Again, the warheads appear to be a dark Olive Green, but could possibly be a very dark blue-black, with the fins probably again bare metal. However, there is a probability that, for the display, these might have been training rounds (and probably were), in which case the dummy warheads would be a dark shade of blue.

On aircraft 50 - 28, again there is some over-exposure, from the strong sun light coming through the open hangar doors, which has effected the tones. The missile bodies are more likely the same light to mid grey, fins possibly / probably bare metal, and the warheads in Olive Drab - the latter may be looking lighter due to exposure of the picture, or perhaps as these may be 'dummy' live rounds, well used for display, with worn or faded paint on the warheads.
In such 'load out' displays, it's unlikely that real live ordnance would be used, and quite common, in most air forces, to use 'dummy' or inert ordnance, painted to look like the 'real thing', although there would be stencils indicating that they were dummies - just in case other dummies loaded them as the real thing !
I agree with Terry. Also the way these missiles were attached to the inner pylon doesn't have in common with their colours Just it is a different matter.. I would say.
Many thanks to both of you.
This morning I had some Sky Grey already loaded in the airbrush for a different job, so I used it for HVAR rockets as well,
Seems ok and dark OD on warheads will add some contrast.
I will finish one to see the effect, I can still repaint with lighter shade of grey.
Some steps forward.
Rockets painted, but not only.
I re-considered the shape of the attacking plate.
Number one it was incorrect to fix it to the anti-sway braces as I did previously, so those braces have been eliminated and a new plate made and attached instead of the braces.
Here some pictures.


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But I also added firing cables, and the question now is: where are those be connected in your opinion? To the pylon or somewhere in the wing?
Thanks in advance
Nice work Alberto.
In the third pic in Post 127, the firing cables are shown hanging from the pylon. They appear to be 'exiting' the pylon as a bunch, before separating into the individual cables for each missile.
In the photos below this, the arming wires re also shown, running from the safety pins on the noses of the missiles, to anchor points on the pylon rails.
I agree with Terry. I'd say there was a short wire with a connector per Wojtek's diagram at the back of each HVAR. The connector plugged into a matching one hanging from a bundle attached to each pylon.

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