Its Airframes Birthday

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Well it isn't for another year yet, but thanks anyway chaps!
Today I am mostly going to do 'lying down', as I have no energy, feel very lethargic, and the weather is sh*te !!
Thanks very much again chaps. I've decided that, as the weather is mostly sh*te in February, I'm going to move my Birthday to summer time, probably around the end of July, when I won't feel like cr@p and can then celebrate properly. A bit like the Queen, I suppose !
And CB - I'm watching you ! Anymore references to Wil... those things, and I'll send the boys around !!
I suppose it would be better to refer to the F4F as the Martlett for Terry's sake, as his favorite plane was in service under his Majesty King Georve VI.

This is perhaps why Terry seems to get a little ruffled at the mention of "Wildcat"...

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