It's My 21st Birthday Today!

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Several VIP's were there, including the Us Ambasador in the Czech Rep. Willaim J. Cabannis, a former Czech president Václav Havel, the current one Václav Klaus, some Czechoslovak WW2 RAF pilots, cadets of the Marine, politicians, etc...
There was some damn great food; KFC, McDonald's, home-made hamburgers, hot dogs, cakes, beer, whiskey, wine, everything.
LMFAO.... I bet the US Ambass was like, "WTF is the matter with these people... I'm a very important man and theyre feeding me McDonalds and hot dogs..."

U would think with those type of dignitaries, they would have catered it with some expensive sh*t, not lame *** KFC....
KFC and McDonald's suck big time here and would pay to eat that sh*t or even eat it if they pay me to. I ask my mom to make some Hamburgers and I eat goo sh*t not that bull. Home made food is the best if your mom knows how to make great foo.

That is bull to feed people such sh*t on any fancy party with VIP and have never heard of such stupidity.
Pisis said:
(I don't say that's great but the chicken wings were eeeeh....)
Man, I say the McDonald's sh*t sucked, the KFC wings were great though. And the home-made hot dogs and hamburgers (I've heard somewhere that it's the tradition on the ID) were the best I've ever had in my life! Of course, there was also some other stuff, like whiseky stall, beer stall, wine stall, etc... But I agree it wasn't a French couisine, but it wasn¨t a regular party, it was a garden party.
I understand that. Cannabis... uh, I mean Cabannis, looked quite happy and unbribed.

There was this other party, a non-oficial one, after the first, official one, was dismissed. And I happened to stay there over with some friends. It was nice and relaxed, everyone was wearing non-official wear and smiles. I met there a guy who was for 25 years in the army and he was really funny, always made jokes about Bush and stuff.
Well les your government is not so corrupt as in Africa, the other day they showed a study and it was shocking.
Here Be My BDay Party Leaflet....


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Henk said:
Well I wish I was drunk now and not in this competision, but if it was not for the cashI would have never done it.
Sop you're sitting on the gay couch yet? :lol: Are you sure they don't record you for pr0n? :lol:
Well, now I completely don't understand what you're trying to say...
Anyway, to dismiss this thread, last night I've returned from three-day "trip", I drank, smoked, sniffed, ****ed, fought.... No pictures (or at least I don't remember)...


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