Japanese Gliders

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I find a lot of accident reports of those float planes but operation manuals at the moment. For more manuals, researchers have no way but go to the Defence Library in Tokyo.

How about the Type96_Model_Air(Ku)-3 Radio Equipment? Ref.Code A03032267400 :)
I find a lot of accident reports of those float planes but operation manuals at the moment. For more manuals, researchers have no way but go to the Defence Library in Tokyo.

How about the Type96_Model_Air(Ku)-3 Radio Equipment? Ref.Code A03032267400 :)

Cool stuff there Shinpachi, now if only I could read Japanese.
I know how you feel Micdrow and sagindragin.
If only I had enough time to translate and research in the library.

I wonder if you are interested in the follows:)

I-14 Submarine Operation Manual (343pages)
A03032271500(same copies as A03032271400)

Ki-45 Special Equipments Handling Manual
page 1 to 11 Ki-45 equipments
page 12 to 122 Ki-79 (Ki-27 equivalent version) Operation Manual


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Some Japanese Glider General Arrangement Drawings.
(From Air Enthusiast May 1972)


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Nakajima Ki-49 or Mitsubishi Ki-67 were planned to pull the glider Ku-7.


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That's a good article...my father tells me that his High school was the only High school in Japan to have a glider program (during those years). :rolleyes: They only had a "primary trainer", but they had great fun... they would launch themselves off the top of sand dunes.
Hi, proton45!

I wonder if your father's high school was Kosei Aviation High School in Hamamatsu?
If not, please take apology as it's my simple mistake.

It is no doubt that your father has been engaged in aviation field for a long time. That is great8)

No, sorry...I should have said the only regular High school with a glider program. He and his friends had to go to the "school board" (?, not sure what it is called) and petition for the money to buy a glider. He still meets with his glider club friends once a year.
I see, proton45.

Your father and his friends were the pioneers for making the club.
Certainly, one who had no pioneer spirit would not have gone to live in the United States when it was hard to make passage to overseas.

That is still great8)
I see, proton45.

Your father and his friends were the pioneers for making the club.
Certainly, one who had no pioneer spirit would not have gone to live in the United States when it was hard to make passage to overseas.

That is still great8)

I don't know if its important but the High school my father when to was OSAKA-kotogakko...

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