To put my own postings in perspective, I am not arguing with those who don't like the kill ratio as a reasonable variable, I simply state that I DO like it and disagree with you. Hopefully, I am allowed to do that.
I've been looking into Axis kill credits for more than 50 years and have never seen a comprehensive list of WWII Axis victories or losses. Sure, I have Hartmamnn's complete list of voctories (and his mount when claiming the victories is NOT in the list ... but we know MOST were with the Me 109), but that is only one pilot. I do not believe any list exists of aggregate Bf / Me 109 claims and losses, or Fw 190 either. I wish it DID, but have yet to find it. So, although I like the kill ratio as a meaningful measure, many critical data are simply missing and I can't really use it except to compare American and some British aircraft. So ... it's meaning is less than it might be despite the fact that I like the variable, and I already said that earlier.
I have a list of all fighter kills, but the plane being flown by the victor is NOT in the data ... only the victim, and sometimes not even the victim type ... just a kill.
Some of you guys seem to want to fight about it. Please, let's not. It's not about who is right, it is simply a number that can be calculated by an interested party. I like the kill ratio and you don't. It is as simple as that. I will draw my own conclusions with it and not print them in here.
I frequent this forum for fun only, not for argument's sake.
Sorry Buffnut, I know you like the Buffalo. I feel it was the worst American fighter of WWII to make production. You don't have to agree, and that doesn't mean it was all bad ... it's just that everything else was better, again, in MY book, not necesarily yours. Aesthetically, it classic art deco and not ugly, but also not my cup of tea. The P-35 looks similar and I like it MUCH better aesthetically, even though they made only about 136 of them and it flew two years earlier than the Buffalo. You are welcome to love the Buffalo and, yes, I know the Buffalo performed better rthan the P-35. They are rough contemporaries, but with only 136 P-35's built, it is pretty much of a non-starter. You can imagine my opinion of a plane with less than 50 built ... like the Ta-152. It was very interesting and a very good effort, but meaningless to the outcome of the war.
The Finish experience with all of 43 or so Buffalos is a very small sample that simply doesn't not statistically mean anything; it is way too small a sample. If you took a random sample, 43 would be significant, but you'd also likely not have but 1 or 2 Finish Buffalos in an unbiased random sample. The Fins had a uniquely good experience that was WAY better than all the other users had. We should have sold them all 509 airframes! Maybe the war would have been shorter.
Guys, it doesn't matter if you liike the kill ratio or not and it is simply not worth fighting about. If you like it, use it to draw your own conclusions. If you don't, then by all means iignore it. I would use it much more if we had more data. Since we don't, I use it as I see fit and continue looking for more data on Axis victory and loss data. Who knows? I might even find it someday.
I am very results oriented, and don't much look at circumstances, weather, or anything else. Those should have been taken into account by the mission or operation planners. If they were, then the mission was more probably a success. If not, it still might be a success, but luck can be both good as well as bad.