latest aviation movie?

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Master Sergeant
Feb 15, 2008
hey, y'all! what was the latest aviation related movie you saw?

just yesterday I watched the 2004 version of Flight of the Phoenix. with Dennis Quaid, Tyrese Gibson, Hugh Laurie. I thought it was pretty good. a great and insanely interesting story, too

the best one I've seen recently is Iron Eagle. I've only seen part of it, tho. and I'm already in love wit it. LOL
the secomd flight of the Phoenix was nowhere in story or acting anywhere as good

As far as remakes go, it wasn't all that bad. Light-years ahead of "Time Machine".

I just watched "The Last Drop" today, about a top-secret side-mission during Operation Market Garden. Not really a "flying" movie, per say, but it did have some Horsha and Waco gliders, C-47's and a 2-engine single-tail British bomber that I couldn't really identify, and at the end a German transport with floats. Oh, and a strafing scene with a -190. Watch it for entertainment only, as in the opening scenes as the paratroopers take off for Market Garden, all of the gliders have Invasion Stripes, whereas none of the tow-planes have them. Still, rather entertaining.
I think the best thing a producer can do, is consult with us here for historical details! :thumbleft:

Just watched "30 Seconds Over Tokyo" what a classic! This would be a movie that could be remade *IF* and only if, it was done right...otherwise, I'll stick with the original...
My latest was "The flight of the Intruder". And loved it, despite the 3rd time Ive watched it.
I agree with Grau and Renrich. The over the water scenes in "30 Seconds" are spine tingling!

and nobody can beat the simple, non-special effects of the original "Phoenix".
OK, many comments to make... :p

1) The last aviation movie I saw was Steven Spielberg's "Always" (1989). Always (1989)

The movie is a re-make of one of my favorite fantasy, WW2, P-38, aircombat films, "A Guy Named Joe" (1944). A Guy Named Joe (1943)

2) I remember seeing the "The Flight of the Phoenix" when I was 10. It was on late at night and my Mother was trying to get me to go to bed. Well...I went to bed, then after my Mom was preoccupied I creeped out of bed and down to the TV room to watch the rest. I remember being riveted to the screen...I was so excited by the story I couldn't sleep the rest of the night. I remember asking my Dad about the likelihood of the story and he told me a bunch of guys could never make a plane like that fly (bummer)....
There was a plane like that built and Paul Mantz, I think, was killed flying it. I believe that it might have been possible to put togther a plane like that under those conditions. There would have had to have been a reasonable takeoff place though.
Correct Ren. paul Mantz was killed flying the stunt plane for the movie. Some say he shouldn't have been flying because he was in no condition to.
which reminds me, I managed to get hold of an R2 copy of Dawn Patrol, the Errol Flynn, David Niven and Basil Rathbone movie. Now THERE is a classic right there. Am I right in thinking Aces High was based on it? I saw Aces High at the pictures back in 1976 when it first came out, my god why haven't I seen it since?

I am currently on episode 4 of 'Wing's, the 1970's BBC series about the pilots of the RFC IN 1915, I was gobsmacked to see this available on DVD, I watched it as a 12 year old and its never been repeated anywhere as far as I know, I'm now 44!
. Am I right in thinking Aces High was based on it? I saw Aces High at the pictures back in 1976 when it first came out, my god why haven't I seen it since?

The Aces High plot was based on a play that was then turned into novel called Journeys End by R.C.Sheriff. Though in the original the action took place over 4 days in the trenches.

The flying parts of the story were based on the memoirs of an Royal Flying Corp pilot Cecil Lewis

There is a DVD of the movie available which I bought but I wish I had saved my money it is a rubbish quality print that has had whole scenes edited out for some reason
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The last movie I watched was Thunder over Reno. I brought the DVD when it was first released, having waited impatiently for a year or so. Well worth it if you ask me, for the flying scenes.

Dead 'cheesy' with such 'hammy' acting you need a drip tray under the tv, but....and its a big but (if I can say that ?)... theres no CGI and not a lot of music sound track and some great action shots of the Unlimiteds in action. You should hear some of those motors working.....woah !...send shivers up and down my back !!!!.

The film is dedicated to Jerry Beck who tragically lost his life while flying a 'Stang that he'd scratch built in a terrible accident. :salute:

Thunder over Reno World's Fastest Love Story

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