Looking for a new Siggy

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Aug 21, 2006
Hi guys,

Well with all the new siggys as of late have told me its time for a change after using this one for 2 years. Im no good at creating siggys so Im askinig you guys for help. It doesnt have to be chrismas as the last one lasted me 2 years and was created by Dan and the name put in there by Wojtek.

Subject is up to you and you have free reign on topic. Most who have been here long enough know my interests.

Thanks in advance
I think that Pauls new siggy should have some sort of schematic/blueprint theme to it....

Cool idea, Dan!

I took a B-17 schematic that Evangilder posted some time back, and created a blue-print looking image from it, if anyone would like to try that for the sig's background...

It was a huge image (1917x1614), so I resized after re-working it, to 800 x 674. If anyone wants the original size, holler and I'll send it.


  • B17_blueprint.jpg
    109.8 KB · Views: 2,499
I have a cool one for the Fw 190 but I don't know if he would like it.

Les, I love that avatar!!!!!! The King of the Nazgul - the Ringwraiths!!!!

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