Staff Sergeant
I'll be the first to say that I'm not a gifted photographer, but I do have some photos that I'll post. First though, I'll post my flash and photoshop images...since those seem to come out better than when I hold a camera. First picture is my attempt at a SOCOM issue M4.Oh, and a kudos and digital cookie to anyone who can correctly guess what the base model was in the second picture. The third picture is a SAS or Squad Automatic Shotgun...great for room clearing (at least I hope...). Final picture was a toss up between being a silenced support machine gun with a 75 round drum, or a silenced urban combat sniper rifle with 75 round drum...the difference is obviously that one shoots full auto, and the other doesn't. Final picture is a bit of abstract art I did for a class recently. Oh, and I don't pretend to know much of anything about real weapon characteristics, I just thought the guns in question looked cool the way they were set up. More flash, pictures, and photoshop if I find that people are interested.
PS: Sorry if the pictures are too big, but whenever I shrink them on my laptop the quality goes down the drain and I don't know if they would display that way on the site, or if its just my laptops issues again.
PS: Sorry if the pictures are too big, but whenever I shrink them on my laptop the quality goes down the drain and I don't know if they would display that way on the site, or if its just my laptops issues again.
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