MacArther's pictures, photoshops, and flash images....

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Staff Sergeant
Sep 19, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
I'll be the first to say that I'm not a gifted photographer, but I do have some photos that I'll post. First though, I'll post my flash and photoshop images...since those seem to come out better than when I hold a camera. First picture is my attempt at a SOCOM issue M4.Oh, and a kudos and digital cookie to anyone who can correctly guess what the base model was in the second picture. The third picture is a SAS or Squad Automatic Shotgun...great for room clearing (at least I hope...). Final picture was a toss up between being a silenced support machine gun with a 75 round drum, or a silenced urban combat sniper rifle with 75 round drum...the difference is obviously that one shoots full auto, and the other doesn't. Final picture is a bit of abstract art I did for a class recently. Oh, and I don't pretend to know much of anything about real weapon characteristics, I just thought the guns in question looked cool the way they were set up. More flash, pictures, and photoshop if I find that people are interested.

PS: Sorry if the pictures are too big, but whenever I shrink them on my laptop the quality goes down the drain and I don't know if they would display that way on the site, or if its just my laptops issues again.


  • completely silenced socom.JPG
    14.2 KB · Views: 342
  • custom tompson.JPG
    18.6 KB · Views: 335
  • ultimate full-auto shottie.JPG
    16.9 KB · Views: 335
  • silenced support gun.JPG
    15.2 KB · Views: 334
  • art.bmp
    1.5 MB · Views: 392
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Yes, but did the RHINO feed from a double drum magazine for a total of 150 rounds???

More flight show photos!

Oh, and whoever has an idea or knows what the stripped down prop plane body (first image) is from wins my eternal gratitude.

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Even more out of order stuff....

First me in my paintballing outfit, and then my two good friends who together with me form "The Three Amigos"

After that is a picture of me (much younger) leaning against a 16 inch cast slug in Battleship Cove, New England.

Finally, Fred (or Fr. Fred/Amigo #2) stands in front of the famous Meteor Crater near Flagstaff, AZ.

Next time, I'll post the most epic vehicle to have served in Desert Storm!

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First up is the most epic motorcycle I have ever seen!!

Next, a bunch of medals (which I am too lazy to identify at the moment)

And finally (for now)....My dog Kyoto a few years back (looks basically the same now, except wayyyy more white fur on his muzzle)

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German Lufftwaffe Uniform (sorry, can't tell what rank and what not because I'm not that well versed)

Humber Armored Car

Zombies Error Message*

Vista VS XP Error Message*

Val Dive Bomber

F-86 Cockpit

* I made these with an error message generator....though now I can't remember the site in order to make more of them

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