Thanks all for the comments and for following this post. I appreciate that!
To finish off this model I glued all bits and pieces in place. No dramas here, everything fit perfectly.
I've used the black pastel chalk (Yes! I still use them instead of pigments
to simulate the engine exhaust stain.
Then I removed the mask on the canopy and as a final touch, glued the cable antenna. My method to make such cable antenna is quite simple, just use stretching treads, in my case I use Ezy Line fine. Just glue using super glue one end to the mast pole, wait to set, place another drop of super glue on the other end (where its suppose to be fixed), stretch the line as much as you can and touch the super glue. Wait for setting completely and them remove the excess. Easy at it seems!
Here a couple of photos. More detailed photos to come.
Hope you have enjoyed this building as much as I did!
See you soon for another WIP!