Meals that you had eaten and wish you hadn't

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We had my Daughter's Christening in Italy at an agritourismo. Nice place, great food. Until they brought out the head of the pig that we'd been eating. The Italians were chowing down on this thing. Ok, I'm fine with that. Just another part of the pig.

Then, they started plucking out the eyes.

I grabbed a bottle of wine and beat feet.

Sad thing was, the thing looked like a guy I went to High School with.
The sausage comment is spot on. A damn if I don't love em. Having worked in enough restaurants in my years, not a person on this forum would eat in one if they knew what went on behind the scenes. I RARELY eat out anymore for exactly that reason.

Also have a buddy at work who put about 8 years of his life into an Oklahoma slaughter house. Man does he have the stories.
Matt my own brother was a Boner and Slicer in the Meat Works here in Queensland. He has similar stories about work in the Meat Works. For example when it comes to Beef Cattle. It is one of the only Industry's that there is no waste. Every Part of the animal is used and there is not one thing that is wasted. It is similar to Sheep Pork and even Chickens. Nothing is wasted. And below is a inaccurate list but you get the idea.

1) The Main Meat for human consumption and pet food
2) Bloood and Bone for Fertilizer
3) Hides and Tallow for clothing footwear and other products
4) Rinds Fats and Oils Lubricants for machinery and drills pieces
5) Offal for sausages livers tongue tails brains for Human consumption or pet food
6) Livestock Feed which also in some cases it has been found to be a contributing factor to Mad Cow Diesease
7) Some types of Medications in small amounts and trace elements

Billion Dollar Industry and this is the important FACTOR. There can't be any waste Matt

And as my brother use to say the only thing that wasn't used was the Moo and the Bellow. And you are right Matt. If people knew what went on at the meat works you would be a Vegan tomorrow. But I go by this what the mind doesn't see the heart doesn't grieve

Great Tim eat something that is looking back at you. Would kind of put one off.

I have to let you know Tim. I had a Yuppie Brother in Law ( the brother of my ex wife) The Yuppie decided to have a party with a whole pig on a spit. I thought beauty I can go for that and I did. But when it came to the end of the night. Here was the Yuppie picking up the head and bones of the pig and was ready to bin the lot that was still on the spit. He said he was going to throw the lot in the bin. I said hang on a minute you have a dog don't you. And he replied Oh our dog doesn't chew bones. I replied well you Poofter Dog might not chew bones but my dog does. So me being me I grabbed two large bin liners and stocked up on free dog food and bones for the dog. Waste not want not Tim. When I got home with the pigs carcus and head i went about seperating all the left overs for the dog and deep froze the supply in amounts for the dog and use for the next few weeks. But I kept the Pig's head seperate and took it out to the dog. The dog wandered around this Pig's head unsure what to do with it at first. Until he sniffed it licked it once and twice. Then grabbed a hold of it in his jaws and took off up the back yard to consume his new found trophy. Dog was still chewing on this head of the pig next day. It was a bit rancid by this stage, but hey he was a Dog. He didn't seem to mind. And I am talking about this pig's carcus had meat that hadn't been eaten at the party still attached to the bones Backbone Shanks Shoulders etc and I was always taught not to waste Tim.

But never mind I don't like the ex Brother in Law of mine. He was over here and his Yuppie Missus and they made some comments about my next door Neighbour who has his own flag pole and flies the Australian Flag proudly. The Yuppies had decided it was some type of Gauche thing to do showing Patriotism. I was really impressed NOT
Ka-bob in Jordan back in the early 80's

I still get the pukes thinking about this one .......... egyptian cat tails, they pluck the hair of a wild cat and serve it up partially BBQ'd. first time I had it I thought my guts were going to drop out I was so stinking sick
Ka-bob, ka-bob, ka-bob on my knob....

I remember walking around Izmir Turkey saying that sh!t as wwe walked past the merchants selling that lamb on a pole crap... 2 of my buddies had to spend the night in the infirmary because of their oh-so tasty ka-bobs...

I ate something in the north of Haifa Israel that I still dont know what it was...
Sounds a bit what is found on Makan Carts in Malaysia Les. Makan is Malay for food. And these Makan Carts are not known for keeping high hygeine Standards if food preparation. You look at the food and think to yourself. Just how many microbes of Botulism is swilling around that side order of rice and vegies and that piece of indentifiable meat. I am not eating something that has more bacteria on it then which is already in my stomache. And if I eat it the bacteria on the food is going to armmageddon the Bacteria in my stomache and I become its first casualty in that war. No Thanks
yes ours was suppose to be lamb, but I found out from a kid on the side of the table who was helping patrons, that it was another story.......Dan you know it's all secret terrorist activity to destroy the inerds of the Caucasian horde, and get this the only thing that could remedy me till I got home from eating that puss was tincture of opium, that puss had caused just that a microscopic organism to develop in my gut that took 12 weeks to get rid day I'll go back to that hole in the wall cafe' and burn it to the ground
Just to add one more to Emac's list - everything else not used goes into beauty products, i.e., hairshampoo, soap, etc. Whenever you see "animal by-products" on a label, thats what it is. And I will say this because I've seen it, they even use road-kill.
My old man used to collect road-killed birds for fly tying. I remember when they were still together the old lady giving out to him for wanting to take home an Australasian Harrier - man it was beautiful, and what a huge bird!

Re the pig slaughtering, Hungarians traditionally slaughtered their own (I've taken part in a few 'disznó várgás' myself now). Absolutely nothing is wasted - even while the pigs were dying, my ex-girlfriend's 86 year old grandmother would be darting between the thrashing legs trying to collect the blood squirting from it's cut throat...!
Things are slowly changing though, and new EU legislation states pigs must be electrocuted (!!!) to death - the result being a few careless and effectively lethal accidents have seen most people turn to shooting them in the head instead.
Still much more humane than the 'Crunch boxes' used in the slaughter houses in any case, I feel so sorry for the pigs that die in those things...

Never thought about giving the pig head to the dog. Have one that will eat just about anything as well (the mutt chews on rocks, go figure). Good idea for the future. Hmmmmm....Muttly might like it.

Sad about your ex-BIL dissing the flag. Have heard stuff like that over here too, usually by jackasses who never did anything for anyone that didn't involve them getting something out of it. Man, I just can't stand 'em. Twerps!

One good thing I will say about the Liberals I do know, they do show the flag and are patriotic. Kinda odd, given their politics but I guess it takes all kinds to make it work.

The Flag comes first in Our Home mate. Hell with Politics. Any way you are right Tim to many aren't bothered to do something unless they get something in RETURN
#1 hated meal was Liver and Onions, a close second was Lutefisk!!! Nasty stuff, Norwegians should be ashamed of themselves for inventing it!!!!
Oyster Stew my mother made once was just plain difficult, It was not only hard to eat it was hard to look at as well. Yuck!!!!!!

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