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My grandmother told me she was on a jungle tour once (a long time ago -can't remember where), when the guide saw a monkey in a tree, quickly grabbed it, cut it's head off, and ate it's brains in front of the group. Now THAT's what I call 'fast food' !
We had my Daughter's Christening in Italy at an agritourismo. Nice place, great food. Until they brought out the head of the pig that we'd been eating. The Italians were chowing down on this thing. Ok, I'm fine with that. Just another part of the pig.
Then, they started plucking out the eyes.
I grabbed a bottle of wine and beat feet.
Sad thing was, the thing looked like a guy I went to High School with.
Gr Dog was still chewing on this head of the pig next day. It was a bit rancid by this stage, but hey he was a Dog. He didn't seem to mind. And I am talking about this pig's carcus had meat that hadn't been eaten at the party still attached to the bones Backbone Shanks Shoulders etc and I was always taught not to waste Tim.
But never mind I don't like the ex Brother in Law of mine. He was over here and his Yuppie Missus and they made some comments about my next door Neighbour who has his own flag pole and flies the Australian Flag proudly. The Yuppies had decided it was some type of Gauche thing to do showing Patriotism. I was really impressed NOT
Never thought about giving the pig head to the dog. Have one that will eat just about anything as well (the mutt chews on rocks, go figure). Good idea for the future. Hmmmmm....Muttly might like it.
Sad about your ex-BIL dissing the flag. Have heard stuff like that over here too, usually by jackasses who never did anything for anyone that didn't involve them getting something out of it. Man, I just can't stand 'em. Twerps!
One good thing I will say about the Liberals I do know, they do show the flag and are patriotic. Kinda odd, given their politics but I guess it takes all kinds to make it work.