Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2007 (1 Viewer)

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Well, I'm off to me mum's to feast with the clan. Kiddies, cousins, long lost aunts...God Almighty, am I gonna need a beer.

But hey! It's Christmas, and to each of you out there I wish a happy and safe holiday season. Stay safe folks, be good to your friends and neighbours, and love your family.

Happy Ho-Ho, folks! Merry Christmas!

Just remember one thing:


  • santacanada1.jpg
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IS HE !!!!!!!! (said in high pitched surprised voice) well bless my soul.

Hi there you lovely bunch. see I havent forgotten you. I thought.... now who do I need to wish HAPPY CHRISTMAS to, and you guys sprang to mind.... see how I miss you all.
I hope you all have a great Christmas or holiday time. I shall call back on over the holidays and see what pressies santa brought you all and which ones you wish he had not lol.
Hey skimmy I still have your Christmas voice message from last year, it pops up each time I put my computer on (doesnt seem to want to delete hun hehe).

Sorry I havent been on here, a new job has kept me very busy. But have been doing the odd plane thing (even got a model Lancs to put together over the holls).
I went to Lapland last weekend (tiz true), you will be glad to know Santa is alive and kicking ho ho ho!

Christmas hugs to one and all (extra one for you Lancs lol) Cripps (Bev) X
Killing two birds here by covering both Christmas threads.

Have a great Christmas Day, folks!


  • Stompin' Tom Connors - Merry Christmas Everybody.avi
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Glad ya liked it, Bev. Good to see ya. (so to speak)

We had the big family do for Christmas dinner over at my parent's place, and it was awesome. Ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberries, veggies, about a hundred kinds of pickles, beets, rolls, pies...God, I'm still stuffed. It was a great meal, with some good homebrew to wash it all down too. Pop or juice for all the kiddies, of course.

Of course, we all know what happens within anywhere from about 15 minutes to a half-hour after a meal like that, right? That's right, the farting begins. So I *Ahem* "discretely" let one go on the porch while out having a smoke with my uncle. You know, we're all family and all...Wwwwwell!
I could feel mum's glare burning into the back of my skull from clear across the kitchen. Boy, did she get bent! Ha!

It was actually quite embarrassing. Christ, I felt like I was about 11 again.
My uncle laughed his a*s off of course. Boy, you do not do that sort of thing around my mother.

"No mum...No mum...Yes mum, I swear I'll keep it in until company leaves...Yes mum... "

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