Metal Legend Ronnie James Dio diagnosed with cancer.

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Private Chemtrail Disperser
Nov 8, 2004
Metal legend Ronnie James Dio has been diagnosed with early stage stomach cancer. He had already earlier canceled his European tour.

I really hope he pulls though. The Metal community will not be the same without him. His voice is legendary and he has had some of Metal's greatest hits. He has made Metal waves with such bands as Elf, Rainbow, Black Sabbath, Heaven and Hell and Dio.

He is also credited with having started the famous "devil horns" that is popular among metal bands and musicians.

Good luck Ronnie!

One of the best set of pipes in the biz. Loved his first album with Sabbath. Used to play "Neon Knights" over and over. Wish him the best.
His stuff with Black Sabbath and Rainbow are some of his best work, but Holy Diver is by far his best album in my opinion.

I was going to see him in concert here in Germany in a few weeks, but the tour was canceled because of this.

I really hope he pulls through.

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