Michael ( Parsifal ) passed away

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So sorry to hear this sad, sad news.
Mike will be very much missed here in our forum 'family'. My sincere condolences to all the family and friends.
This is a sad business. I'm not sure I can say much. It seems odd to call him by his name. Michael. It fits somehow. I remember his very direct but oh so gentle corrections of my posts with fondness. Always with standards. Never with harshness. A gentleman. Passionate in his convictions. Willing to learn from anyone at all. Anyone who had even a little fact he hadn't seen before. Heart and soul of this site.

Amplified by intimacy I cannot imagine what the loss of such a soul must be to his family.

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Michael's bio as he wrote it in 2008. Rip Michael and thanks:
Very sad news.
My wife grew up in Orange and when we occasionally visited her relatives I always thought of trying to look him up. Life is full of missed opportunities. He'll be sadly missed here. Condolences to his family.
Michael was born the same year as me. A shocker. I note he refers to himself sarcastically as of pure heart. The legend of Parsfal Perceval as a forerunner of Galahad is the knight of Arthur's court who, pure in heart, discovers the grail or to whom the grail vision is given. So Parsifal is the celtic Welsh version of Galahad.

Michael ever the scholar, I'm sure would know that pure heart in Welsh is Calon Lan. Which is also a song, part of the Welsh choral tradition., one I have found to have value in my life, my struggles with Parkinson's I think I may have mentioned this to Michael at some point. I can't help thinking Michael might have been leaving us a trail of bread crumbs

There are several versions of Calon Lan, many arrangements, and an endless variety of performances. Here are two. For whatever good they may do anyone.

traditional male choir

a more modern treatment ar deio bach, in the form of to the tune of deio bach, the root is in the Welsh community of Patagonia

I hope to f**k this is not just me ranting,

This is awful news, so sad to hear!
I have one very old image and started working on the siggy. But if there is somebody who has more current shot it would be appreciated.

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