Michael ( Parsifal ) passed away

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Although I am new here, I have read many of the old posts and have come to regard all of you as extended family. I am greatly saddened to hear of Mike's illness and passing. Condolences to all those who loved him.
Does anyone have a mugshot for his memorium siggy?

He included a few pics in his biography post, as quoted by Marcel @ #51 above.

Never mind...for some reason, TeChNoWC's post #61 wasn't appearing when I first replied. Either that or my brain's slippery path downhill got a lot steeper all of a sudden!

Back to the subject of the thread...Fair winds and following seas, Michael. Your knowledge, insight and willingness to share will be greatly missed. The forum was a better place for your presence and will be a much worse place for your absence.
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My deepest and most heartfelt condolences to his family....

We toast our faithful comrades
Now fallen from the sky
And gently caught by God's own hand
To be with him on high.

To dwell among the soaring clouds
They knew so well before
From dawn patrol and victory roll
At heaven's very door

And as we fly among them there
We're sure to hear their plea-
"Take care my friend; watch your six,
and do one more roll… just for me."

R.I.P Mike....you will be missed my friend!


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