Michael ( Parsifal ) passed away

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Parsival was sadly laid to rest today. Ceremony at the funeral home in Orange NSW at 11am, and burial at a small churchyard outside of town. A nice send off for a very much loved good man. Jacob recognised me even without patch and hat. They were pleased to have a rep of the forum come and witness the day. I was pleased I could. RIP Parsival, I was glad I could say goodbye for all of us in this forum.
Thanks Bill.
I did not know Mike nor did I have any direct communications with him but, as it appears, he was 'family'. I am emotionally impressed by the responses from the members of this forum to his passing. To have so many members, some continents apart, share their grief is very insightful as to who this 'group' really is. Not just a bunch modeling fanatics but a group (family) who care for each other. I consider myself fortunate to belong to such a group. I'm sure Mike did as well.


This forum has been around for almost two decades. For most of us it has become a home away from home. A 2nd family. A somewhat dysfunctional family, but a family nonetheless.

Like with all families, we do not always see eye to eye, we have differences, and sometimes we downright get into fights. Most of us though get past all of this, and remain true friends, and we care for one another.

Some of the membership have become estranged, but most find their way back. One thing is for sure though, the forum is only as strong as its members make it (just like a family), and the members of this forum are what makes it so special.

I consider everyone here a friend, a brother, a sister, even if I want to strangle them from time to time (or them me... ).
I also thankyou Bill, I remember Parsifal's posts from years ago, I liked his style ~ Rather a shock actually that time has whistled past so - Didn't know he was younger than me, always seemed alittle older - I thank too DerAdlerIstGelandet for his comments, they are as it is here ~
I don't often get a chance to pop in, busy reading about the bloody War all the time but had to call in today to pay my respects to this sincere member - I didn't know he was just over the ditch (Tasman Sea) in Aussie too ! ~

RIP & God Bless to you & your Family ~

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