Mindless click - lost background

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Jan 23, 2010
South Central Wisconsin
Good Morning to you,
A while back, I was looking for the perfect background/wallpaper for myself. I stumbled across it while clicking through a site with a beautiful collection. I was getting too machine-like with the mouse and clicked right past it then lost the entire site. I've been trying for days on end to re-find that site but no luck.

Here is what I recall with that photo:

It was a WWII navy fighter
Pretty sure it was a F6F Hellcat
It was a current day photo of a collector plane
The photo was taken from a plane above, slightly ahead and slightly to the left.
The plane's colors were silver/grey with possibly some blue markings? [best I can recall-lost it too quick]
The view below was a beautiful shoreline shot - half water/half shore.

Can anyone help me re-find this? I'm getting weary.

With great appreciation,

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