Now this one brings to mind an event at the Reno air races years ago. Bob Hoover was doing the top cover in his Evergreen P-51D and came in to land. He taxied by the stands, canopy open and waving back to the crowed. Then the crowed came to their feet waving frantically, and good old Bob waved back with even more flair. What he didn't know was in front of him was a brand new pick up truck towing a plane, TOWARDS him. He failed to weave his way down the taxi way. Yep! The truck driver bailed and Bob went straight up the side of it. They referred to this as the Hoover Matic Bread Slicer. I have been lookibg for a picture of this event, and no luck. This was the year Stu lost the trim tab on Merlin's Magic P-51D. Hoover loaned him his, since his was grounded for repairs. This is whytoday MM has a yellow rudder. cheers, Bill