Monogram 1/48 B-24 Liberator

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Hey AF
That stuff for 100 Group I'll definately take, it's hard enough finding info on 100 Group for the site!!
Can you post a picture of the cutaway in case it's the same one as I have (just a rough one from a camera phone will do)
I'll take just about anything you have, if I already have it then I'll say thanks and keep quite ;)
I feel like a Rag 'n Bone man calling out for your wares, any old iron etc (basically I'll take anything to do with the Liberator)
Thanks mate.
Hi Gaz, leave it with me for a day or two and I'll dig out everything I have. I'm a bit behind getting stuff for other people at the moment, as well as some of my own work! I'll post camera shots of the cutaways, but it might be easier for me to e-mail the rest of the stuff - there's quite a bit of it! PM me with an e-mail address if you can, and I'll sort it, and there's something I would be grateful if you'd have a look at too, in case you can help out another bloke who was asking me for info on MkII Libs.
Hey Terry
No worries mate, when you can mate she's not going anywhere ;)
I'm not shy here's my email address in case anyone else wants it (except you dirty spammers I don't need your drugs!!! :D ) [email protected]
I'll help anyone in any way I can if it's Liberator related :D

Hi Seesul
I hope you're speechless for all the right reasons? :D
Good news for you mate, Revell have recently rereleased the B-24 D Variant, I've also been informed that the "J" variant has been rereleased but can't find any info on Revell Germany or USA sites.
I'm thinking of making the next one 31/34 Squadron SAAF or maybe 311 Czech Squadron (Coastal Command) but the jury is out and I'll probably just go with the other Squadron my grandfather served with 355 Squadron (so many Squadrons to choose from).

Cheers all
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Here you go Gaz, a couple of quick shots of the two cutaways I have. I think I've got another one somewhere too. I'll scan and e-mail the 100 Group stuff, and any internal shots I have, in the next day or so.


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Thanks Terry
I'll take it!!! It looks different to the one I have in that it shows the old girl in a different perspective that top picture is how I envisiage my project will look at the end (either that or it'll be a big pile of doo doo in the bin :D )
Thanks mate I appreciate your help.
No probs Gaz. There's a copy shop near me, so I might be able to get both of these scanned onto a disc, then transfer them for e-mailing, rather than scan them in two halves. I'm trying to find a magazine which has some excellent colour interior shots, I think inside the Collings Foundation Lib.
Two questions; have you got 'Liberator at War' and do you have a VHS player, or the facility to copy a VHS to CD?
Reason - some other internal pics I have are in Lib at War, so if you've got it, I'll omit those, and I have an excellent video on USAAF ops, a bit repetitive, as it was filmed in late '43 by ther USAAF, but there's some excellent footage of the inside of various Libs (plus B17's of course), and the whole shebang from bombing-up, weather flights, briefing, to the mission itself. If it's of interest, I can send it over, and you can copy it.
Let me know either way.
I have "B-24 Liberator at War" from Aviation Video International if that's the one, and you've just given me a good idea. I have a VHS/DVD Combo that can record from VHS to DVD so I can convert my old VHS :D
I'll take anything you got buddy I'm always on the lookout for anything on the Liberator.
Shall I PM you my address? You do know I'm in New Zealand now (before you go promising to send anything).
No probs mate - NZ, NY or even down the road from me, it's only the cost of a small package! The 'Liberator at War' I refered to is the book, by Roger Freeman, who I'm sure you know of (he coined the phrase/title 'The Mighty Eighth'), one of the Ian Allan (publishers) 'At War' series of books.
It's probably best if I sort a few bits and bobs out, e-mail them, hopefully over the weekend, then exchange details and requirements etc then. That way, it saves popping up on, and searching, the forum.
Leave it with me, and I'll get some stuff off to you, plus a list or note of other possible bits that might be of interest.

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