Monogram B-52 1/72

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Watch out for the blizzard, they figure you guys in the heartland will be gettin it from "sandy".

Ahoy Paul
Oh ya its coming our way with a heap of snow with it Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn I dread that but it premotes good modeling weather I have all my modeling supplies in hand now its time to turn too on Big buff thanks Paul.

...and the B-36 was bigger, wasn't she?

Looking forward to the pics Boats!

Ahoy Lucky
OH Ya its big too alot bigger I have the old Monogram kit when it was first released in 1982 That will prabaly be my next build here 6 turning and 4 burning come to think about it a week ago I saw the movie Stategic Air Command with Jimmy Stewart on the B-36 A great movie... when I was about 16 years old in 1956 I always seen the old B-36 flying a big bird indeed she is.

Its time to turn to on Big Buff, Okay guys just finished wet sanding down the first coat of filler putty without applying the gray primer paint i can see gaps so no need for that not for now... I am starting to re putty the ghaps and let the model dry for thye night tomorrow if the good lord is willing and the creekis dont rise I will shoot on the gray primer paint and go from there.. Here are the update shots not very pretty just the beginning of a build.



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The build still continues, As of the update build report I have checked and rechecked any seams that are visible cant find any so now its time for the priming I mixed up a batch of primer gray and airbrushed 8 coats of primer letting it dry for the night tomorrow the finishing colors will be added, Such a huge model to manuever around makes it hard to paint but I delt with bigger so this Buff is no different, Letting the primer gray dry over night and tomorrow the fun begins. Here are the build pictures for the night.



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...and the B-36 was bigger, wasn't she?

Looking forward to the pics Boats!

Aye! Love that movie with Jimmie Stewart, one of my alltime favourite actors! Was showing not too long ago here in the UK on Sky, gonna try to get it on DVD, bl**dy massive so she is, the B-36!
But, I've always liked the B-47 (now, there's a beautiful jet powered bomber!) over the '36 and '52 and I also prefer the '52 with the earlier tandem cockpit...

Doing great there mate!
An update on the painting schedule Okay guys I just shot on 5 coats of dark sand on top of the untire plane, letting it dry for a couiple good hours I mkixed the color myself useing fedreal standard color charts. Next will be the Dark green and vietnam green then the rest will be black, Painting this thing ion vietnam colors brings back alot of memories to me I can still hear the bombs cracking away at a distance it looks like lightning.. This will be the last jet aircraft I will post here I got to keep it kosher WW11 forum only I should have known I assumed everything goes so shipmates This will be the last of the jet age here I got it started and I will finish her up/ Here are the updates more to come this evening.



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Thanks fellas for your reply starting to look like Buff out of anderson Airforce Base Thialand.Just finished up painting the camo on my Buff the black is next and touch up here and there.. Only hard part about painting this kit id that the dern thing is to big i keep knocking things on the deck I swung the plane around to paint the other side knocked over my Beer spilt all over the place Steam and sizzle Had to stop and clean up the mess before my dog licked it up dont want him getting loaded.. Useing Federal standard paint charts I mixed up my paint got it pretty close to the paint chips on the chart, Letting her dry over night tomorrow I will do as little touch up here and there and start on the black. got a lot of work to do on her before I start the next build.



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