Yeah, I understand that Lanc, but there does seem to be this 'Mossie vs Lightning' thing, where on one hand 'Lightnings' were the best thing since sliced [cheddar] cheese, to 'some', and Mossies were some kinda 'airborne-wheelbarrow...'- While I've always said the Lightning was a superb aircraft, they didn't have SFA to do with ETO Nightfighting, and only just scraped into the Pacific scene as a Nightfighter...This NF Topic was an integral part of the Battle for Europe, between what was hailed as the best of what the Germans had to combat the 'Mossie Menace', and this remarkable 'Wooden' Aircraft that played a huge part , defensively and offensively, against a numerically superior enemy [at the time]...I for one, are greatly interested in discussion about it, because it wasn't JUST the aircraft, but the crews, the electronics, the whole Battle's strategy tactics, that make it a Topic worthy of relative discussion...