Taking advantage of a free time and visiting other parts of the forum, I share what was my first foray into this type of camouflage. It was my 4th model since my return and the first time I used an airbrush, I did not know this forum yet. (Jun 2013)
First have the base colors of my
Heinkel He-111H-22 (scale 1/48)
I drew the outline of the wings and stabilizers in a sheet of cardboard and based on the plotting of the spots in the instructions, I made them as close as possible.
I passed the original drawing to a sheet of
onion paper (waxed paper or butter paper) ...
-I translated it literally as it is known here in Mexico-
What I came up with to achieve those spots was something I would hardly do again, but with little budget, a little ingenuity and a lot of patience ... it was not so bad. (Remember they were my beginnings and I still did not get so much involved with internet for this or modeling forums)
So I put on my masks and use my premiere airbrush!
I did the same with the wings and stabilizers ...
... the result ?, ... being my first attempt, I liked it very much, in fact it is the biggest airplane I had built at that time.
Time passes and practice, with the support and adequate information, one continues to be perfected in this wonderful hobby.
Nice to continue learning, greetings.