My Birthday present!

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Apr 11, 2005
South East Queensland
My B/Day is in a few days and this years present was the best yet. My wife, Bro and Mum and Dad all pitched in for a flight in a T-28! The weather was perfect, the plane beautiful and the scenery was great - what a way to spend a Sunday morning!
The aircraft in question..
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Thanks heaps guys!
Fantastic Andy, though i thought it was even better as i read it first a bit too quickly and thought they had bought you a T-28 !
I wish Karl! Now THAT would be a great present!!

Soooo, what was it like messing around in Evangilder's office?
It was a blast Chris. Honestly, you guys who have never done a warbird flight should save up your pennies and treat yourselves. I know they are expensive but the experience is amazing - unforgettable!
I also have a new found fondness for the humble T-28, what a sweet aircraft. If I were a rich man I reckon I would buy one
Always liked the T-28, and even though not cheap to run, it's a tad more ... er... 'affordable' than an all-out warbird such as a Spit or Mustang. And it's got two seats !
umm...tell your wife, brother, mum, and dad my birthday is this weekend. what time do I need to be at the airport...???

awesome present. that did indeed make it a happy birthday!

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