My condolences to the French people

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Only saw this very sad news tonight. My sincere condolences to all the families and friends.
It's time for 'gloves off', and seek out the training camps where these cowardly bastards train, those scum who have the courage to shoot un-armed civilians, but don't come out into the open to fight real soldiers.
No excuse, no 'do-gooders' saying negotiate, no international political considerations or boundaries - just find, go in, and destroy the ****ing lot of them !
Thank you all for your kind words.
What happened last night in Paris is like a declaration of war...

indeed it is a declaration of war. and it is a war where innocent people become the casualties. leaders of every nation need to wake up....they hold on to the notion that no one can be this cruel, irrational, inhumane.....but that is exactly who and what the IS is. I fear we witnessed a new phase in their "war" and that we will see more of these acts in the coming months. my heartfelt prayers are with the victims and your country.
What has been really disturbing, is the lack of action by the world leaders who have the capacity AND the ability to wipe these sh!tbags off the face of the earth.

Instead, we see them commit atrocities daily: burning victims alive, televised drownings, beheadings, heinous torture, rape and female slave trade, destruction of priceless antiquities AND all that is being doen, is the occasional airstrike, arguing over who should supply a meager amount of arms and supplies to a dedicated foe of ISIS (the Khurds) and saber rattling and finger pointing.

70 years ago, there would have been an all-out offensive with the skies over their heads being blackened by fighters and bombers, the deserts would have become blanketed by armor and infantry and no stone would have been left un-turned until their numbers were crushed.

This modern day pacifism, apathy and appeasement has been the cause of tens of thousands of innocent people's unspeakable misery and our world leaders completely disgust me.
hmmm for some reason the "shores of Tripoli" keeps coming to mind
When the U.S. Marines were sent to snuff the pirates, it was a limited but very successful action.

Dealing with ISIS should be on a scale of operation Overlord, operation Torch, operation Citadel (assets committed, not outcome), operation Arclight and operation Dragoon all rolled into one bigass, decisive punch.

Roll through the region, create an encircling perimeter and scour the earth completely clean of those vermin trapped inside.

And then remain vigillent for the next time that some assclowns put a heavy MG in the back of a Toyota pickup, roast it. The next time idiots set up a "training camp", roast it.

Send a clear message that anyone who wishes to be a "martyr" will be instantly accommodated with extreme prejudice...
I agree. I was just noting what the response was back then to terrorism (which was in the form of piracy). it should be a united front with all nations taking part to rid the world of this menace. fat chance of that happening tho...especially when some high ranking leaders look at them as "protesters"
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As I discussed with Njaco on FB, what is lacking is a unified answer of the western world against this thread. We should not change our ways, but also not only look at our own interest. We see this happening in Europe where countries don't follow up on what is being agreed, but start their own political agenda. Europe was set up to be an open, free society. We should start living those principles instead of chickening out. Second we need a uniform answer to the thread. We either: 1> agree on who the enemy is, seek out and destroy them, not as separate countries, but as one western world or 2> stop intervening at all (I don't think this is a viable option). But we should stop doing half what must be done with each their own goals.
I suggest we stop underestimating ISIS and start looking at the reality of the situation and of the region. ISIS imposes its order on the places it occupies - brutal fanatic islamic order - but not corruption. Smart, educated, experienced technocrats from Iraq's Bathe Party days - rejected by the US and loathed by the current Shia-majority government(s) because, to a man they are Sunni, are supporting ISIS and able to make the oil flow, the supply chains function, the sewers and water systems work wherever ISIS conquers. Competence without corruption.

I suggest we need to get our heads inside ISIS - and not just the bombers and gunmen - but the infrastructure brain trust and the money flow. Saudi Arabia and the Emirates must hold huge responsibility for the funding of ISIS and the like .... these countries need to be held to account. Again, the need to get inside and track the $$$ and then .... full public disclosure and prosecution. Imagine if Saudi Arabia were sued, by victims families, for being the source of 911 funding.

Nature abhors a vacuum .... and corruption anywhere opens the door to fundamentalist fanaticism of any religious/idealogical hue. That's why the Iraqi army won't fight

This is a dangerous time but the need is for skill, resolve, intelligence and subtlety not simply HE and canon rounds.

Good realistic analysis:

Thinking the unthinkable: This is war - The Globe and Mail
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Like I've mentioned before, ISIS receives a good deal of funding through their captured oil facilities. Which they continue to operate, distribute, transport and sell.

It's estimated that they are getting close to $40 million dollars a day through this activity alone.

So why haven't their oil fields been eliminated and their transportation methods been crippled?

Why haven't the oil buyers been stopped (or arrested for supporting and financing terrorism)?

It is all great and wonderful that the occasional airstrike has taken out a top official, but there is always another clown to step in and pick up where the predecessor left off. The airstrikes to protect the trapped civilians was commendable, but how is it, that the massed ISIS forces that were encircling the civilians were able to get away? There they were...out in the open, presenting textbook examples of an army exposed and all that was accomplished were a few bomb strikes to keep their heads down while the civilians were evactuated?

Maybe it's just me, but it seems as though our "leaders" aren't really interested in making a genuine effort to stop ISIS. Because everytime there is a confirmed act of terrorism by ISIS, the leaders step up to the podium with a look of concern on their face, wave their hands and tell everyone how they have resolved to stop this madness, offer condolances to the bereaved and then fling a few bombs.

Then the cycle repeats...
"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.
The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity.

The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome."

Sir Winston Churchill; (Source: The River War, first edition, Vol II, pages 248-250 London).
Pff, there are also Christians living in the Dark Ages. As soon as we see this guys as real islam, we'll recognise their believe. They are not Mohammedans, they are mislead fools. Real Mohammedans will live as a tolerant human being. These are only stupid. Let's not give them what they want, which is recognition.

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