I suggest we stop underestimating ISIS and start looking at the reality of the situation and of the region. ISIS imposes
its order on the places it occupies - brutal fanatic
islamic order - but
not corruption. Smart, educated, experienced technocrats from Iraq's Bathe Party days - rejected by the US and loathed by the current Shia-majority government(s) because, to a man they are Sunni, are supporting ISIS and able to make the oil flow, the supply chains function, the sewers and water systems work wherever ISIS conquers. Competence without corruption.
I suggest we need to get our heads inside ISIS - and not just the bombers and gunmen - but the infrastructure brain trust and the money flow. Saudi Arabia and the Emirates must hold huge responsibility for the funding of ISIS and the like .... these countries need to be held to account. Again, the need to get
inside and track the $$$ and then .... full public disclosure and prosecution. Imagine if Saudi Arabia were sued, by victims families, for being the source of 911 funding.
Nature abhors a vacuum .... and
corruption anywhere opens the door to fundamentalist fanaticism of any religious/idealogical hue. That's why the Iraqi army won't fight
This is a dangerous time but the need is for skill, resolve, intelligence and
subtlety not simply HE and canon rounds.
Good realistic analysis:
Thinking the unthinkable: This is war - The Globe and Mail