My FIRST WORKBENCH : NAKAJIMA A6M2-N type 2 Hidrofighter (RUFE) 1/48 Tamiya

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Luis, don't take that colourized pic to represent the Overall Colour of the A6M2-N the more accurate colour is an Earth Colour called Tsuchi-iro or I3 it has been likened to FS16160, while fabric surfaces were a light to medium grey.

see image of Nakajima Zero artifacts colour reference, metal and fabric surfaces, my apologies for the source it escapes me for now but quite possibly, it can be found on the net.


  • Midway Zero artifacts.jpg
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Hi Wayne, thanks for the tip.
Indeed the color FS16160 is a variant of the Japanese air force (the plane of the top-a colored earth-)

I did a search, and this light gray for version I'm doing is more like a gray light pink. I do not have the exact shade of FS, but these pictures are real and as close to what I seek.

What think about it, any other suggestions?

Soon more photos, greetings and thanks for your visits.
Thank you very much for all your visits, colleagues and friends of the forum.

Well ... it was some days since I left my piece of plastic "conejillo de Indias" and painted silver to make some tests and attempts to initiate me and try chipping through "the technique of salt and fluid maskin "... I hope it can serve as a graphical reference to someone.

I try to make some "imaginary quadrants", which initially applied masqkin liquid (in this case I have Micro Mask -not other-), an area with one application, one with two applications and a final with three applications over every single detail with a paintbrush.

Now ... for the other technique I take a bit of salt and sea salt.
(I know that sea salt is a little out of reality, at least on my scale aircraft ... not for tanks, where I could see wonderful works, yet still took the test and see my results)

In a small bowl of water, I added a couple of drops of liquid dish detergent, this allows the water to flow easily with the brush.

sprinkle salt on the area and then wipe off the excess to fall ...

That was my "test wing" with the various options presented

I used this Japanese dark tone to make the result more remarkable ...

with trimmed brush (hard) and a toothpick, I removed the salt and liquid maskin ...
(definitely one pass liquid maskil was very difficult to remove ... almost could not seeing results ...)

To make the effect more remarkable, I tried the piece with a wash pastels, varnished with gloss, apply a light wash with oils and finally a matt varnished ... the results:
(sorry that some pictures appear upside relative to the written page, do not confuse!

I hope some of you comment my "wing test," any questions and feedback are welcomed.

Now it only remains to apply it to my nipo-hydro ... but those photos will upload at the next opportunity.

Now comes a stage in which I will apply for being new to me (prepare all the kit for chipped and make a similar shades, to break the monotony of monochrome painting Model), all kinds of recommendations are accepted.

Goodbye and thank you very much for your visits.

Very scientific ! I like the subtle effect of the table and 'fine' salt myself...but I haven't constructed a model for 20 years

Thanks for your comment Siddley ... I liked it, I enjoyed and was helpful able to test and not risk my Nakajima.

Nice experiment. This is the one I like with a little less salt...


Also it is that I'll use my friend Geo, and yes I will use less salt, I wanted to try the 100% saturated with salt.

Soon I hope to share the results and photos.

Greetings and thanks for your comments.
Just catching up with your build Luis and I'm mesmerised with your dedication to the small detail, I also think your varying experiments with the salt and mascol for weathering and wear have added great value to this forum. A big thank you for sharing.
i am with George (Fubar) on the selection, looks the most appropriate.

please disregard ALL those light grey replicas for colour they are not correct, the only replica that looks accurate for the nakajima colours is the one marked AI-I-129 google this zero for further images including the lighter grey fabric surfaces.


  • AI-I-129 Zero replica_a.jpg
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I feel flattered by the comment, coming from you Vic.
To bring some of my experience in a forum so full of experts and be recognized, is very motivating.

Muy agradecido amigo.

Thanks to your comment , I found these two photos.

The color is very similar to what you'll see later on, I hope your opinion at the time and your help is very meaningful to me Wayne

Mil gracias!!
Well, ..., we return to the matter and continue now with the placement of the fuselage and pieces of the cockpit "coating" by tape. oops: my still poor English )

Finally it was time to "hechar the salt" ... at the best of terms and with the best wishes of the best possible outcome.

Water in a container, the same water with a few drops of liquid soap and two other with normal salt and the other finer grind it after.

after application, the photos continue !!

We apply the second technique for use chipped, remembering to do two or three brush strokes to ensure the outcome observed in my experiment.

I masked the ailerons or flaps, to make a difference when applying exterior colors, making clear the variation in color in the wings of cloth respect to the metal aircraft.

Now, after a little research and see the greatest number of actual photos and model makers ( thanks again Wayne ), I could tell that the color Light Grey suggested by the instructive, is only possible with out model of the factory (yet still I have my doubts ), ... and pretend that this boy is to show us that already has a good road traveled ...

Given the tropical climate, saltpeter, sun, continuous contact and rest on the sea ... all the more reason is affected the painting of the seaplane, which generates variations and degraded factory color. Besides the poor exterior maintenance characteristic of Japanese planes.

Which is why I also make my first attempt to expose a variety of related final color tones, to provide a subtle polychromatic view. For this random manner but with a certain consistency, I will paint as many panels.

The colors that I will use in various shades and combinations are:

- Flat White Tamiya XF-2
- Pale Grey Blue Model Air 71046
- Armour Brown Model Air 71041
- US. Sand Model Air 71112

The results ...:

the panoramic

after some testing with these colors, I chose tone base color and exterior is ...

the upper right end ...

And I applied diluted with 50% isopropyl alcohol in very skinny layers, one at a time allowing to see the bottom colors in a subtle way.

I could see that the paint with airbrush part of salt that apply (except the better of who can suggest me something) came off, I think I lacked dilute in that mixture with liquid soap and water, a few drops of white glue .. .y would give higher resistance to salt.

With these images, I will cure the paint, while I see the option to paint the Hinomarus and not use decals.
idea: If anyone knows the color of Tamiya acrylic paint and / or Vallejo Model Air for Hinomarus, I appreciate it. )

Hoping that this breakthrough will enjoy it, thanks in advance for your visits and am attentive to your comments.

Hasta pronto y un fuerte abrazo!! 8)


Thank you George. Here are a big supplier of Tamiya and Vallejo and there is no specific color for Hinomarus; so I'll do the estimated mixture.
I am inclined to the tone of the top.

Pronto más fotos del avance!!
Well! ... To work with the Hinomaru (national emblem), I observed the work of several modelers and struck me to try what some of them do to paint, and this is to a first base yellow .. . well i tried it 8)

To do this, draw a circular template 2 sizes of circles (four wings and two fuselage sides - took reference the measures of the decal sheet -) on Tamiya and 3M tape

the color used ...

red tone I used first choice ...

removing the "enmascarillado" of hinomarus (some chipped already make an appearance) ... now let's create the marks of establishment and crossing the pontoon propeller ... and white stripes that go in the "waist" fuselage ... it was funny process of "enmascarillado"

Note: "enmascarillado" not know the English translation (cover an area with tape to protect it when using the airbrush) - if anyone enriches my vocabulary ... thanks

the color used ...

in this semi-panoramic I presume my new dispenser "prototype-professional" in which clean my airbrush painting.

Back soon with more progress !!!

I appreciate your views and even your nice comments (comes your feedback) ... continue to learn of this wonderful hobby !! (I call him "my occupational therapist" ... and the truth is cheaper ... lol)

Happy weekend!

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