My "Stuka"

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Member In Perpetuity
Jul 10, 2007
Virginia Beach, Va.
Hi all:
Went to the hobby shop, today, for some info on three bladed props for
texasjohn, and saw this JU 87-B "Stuka". I couldn't resist, even tho the
BF109D1 is not finished. And, of course, I had to start it, tonight.

Here's a couple of pic's.... not much to show, but it is started.

If anyone out there has info on color schemes, camo, units, etc, I'd
appreciate the info. This model has a white stripe around the fuselage,
just forward of the tail ass'y. It also has the designation DU J6. (See
the side of the box) The U on one side is red, and the J on the other
side is red. It also has DU J6 on the underside of the wing.

Also this model shows one gun in each wing, near the root. Were they
armed with wing guns ?

As always, comments and suggestions appreciated.



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I'll take the first post in saying you can never go into a model just to buy 'one' thing something else always creeps in your hands when you leave :lol:

Enjoy and keep us posted :D
Looks like another nice build there CCheese! Can I ask you a question ? Do you Fly them when they are done or do you just build and collect them as static models?

TT: I don't usually fly them, altho I did try to fly the Fairchild 24. Even in high
grass, the Fairchild would always make a climbing left turn, flip onto it's
back, then auger in. I broke the left landing gear three times before I
put a string on it and hung it up. I do like to wind up the rubber motor
to about 150 turns and let them taxi. I suspend them from the ceiling in
the garage..... they last longer that way !

Hence the name " Bustedwing" One nice thing about plastic models is you JUST KNOW they won't fly after hours of work so you don't ! I just wish they had camcorders and digital cameras while I was weaning my self off balsa models !
Ok You dont fly them! Did you ever try to Plank them with strips of thin balsa so you can shape them to a more scale appearence and detail them more! I remember in one of my post you said you wished they were more detailed. Like the larger R/C models you might be able to plank sheet them and seal the grain and then sand and shape them to a more scale model appearence hence being able to add more fine detail like rivits and panel lines.
start of a very good model, i did the gillows 1/24 spitfire some years back i left all the balsa wood bare and added some detail like gun/engine/cockpit/air intakes/wheel spats/fuel tank.

breaks the norm of building plastic models all the time.

the stuka did have wing machine gun's !

Charles.. Nice! This should be an interesting build looking forward to it!

After an initial look I haven't found your aircraft code listed? Quite possible it is made up!

Will check out some profiles and camo and post tomorrow.
Ok You dont fly them! Did you ever try to Plank them with strips of thin balsa so you can shape them to a more scale appearence and detail them more! I remember in one of my post you said you wished they were more detailed. Like the larger R/C models you might be able to plank sheet them and seal the grain and then sand and shape them to a more scale model appearence hence being able to add more fine detail like rivits and panel lines.

TT: I built a Spitfire, many years ago, from plans purchased from Mechanix Illustrated. This construction was planked and sheeted. If I remember right, it took me about six months to build and made for a very heavy model. It would be a chore, but the reward would be worth it.

I'm looking forward to it. My free time is so limited right now. I'd love to set up shop and work on some models again. Last model I built when I was about 14.

Only 16 more years and I can retire!

The Ju-87 is a beautiful aircraft. It's actually functional and horribly ugly, which is it's appeal to me. Excellent aircraft!
Hi all:
Went to the hobby shop, today, for some info on three bladed props for
texasjohn, and saw this JU 87-B "Stuka". I couldn't resist, even tho the
BF109D1 is not finished. And, of course, I had to start it, tonight.


Glad to have started a good thing!!!! heh!:lol:
Hello Guys: Here's where we are this Sunday night. The fuselage is
finished, except for sanding and covering, and one more fuselage former.
That goes on after it's covered, to form the rear of the cowl/radiator.
Maybe I can sand and dope tomorrow night, and cover New Years Day
(If I'm sober :evil4:)



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I have a Guillows 1/16 scale P-38. The thing is so big I don't have a good place to finish it (I started on it in 1988 or so.......)

Good luck with the Stuka.

It just dawned on me.... I have to make another three-bladed prop for the
Stuka. Does anyone have a front view of a Stuka that shows the shape of
the prop ? Would appreciate an email from someone with a good pic. Thanks.

TT: Thanks for the head on shot of the Stuka. I would say the prop is
shaped pretty much like a FW-190. I still have the blank I made for it.
I'll tackle that after the fuselage is done. Today I got the fuselage all
ready to cover. Will start to cover it tomorrow. I did get the rudder
and elevator (stabilizer) constructed and covered. I just sprayed them
with water, so the silkspan will shrink. Tomorrow I will flip the plans
over and start construction on the wings. Oh boy ! Inverted gull wing
with a huge dihedral ..... looks like fun.

Maybe pic's by the week-end....


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