My "Stuka"

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Charles, great to see you back at it!
That prop work is fantastic, even though it's a lot of work the result will be worth it, well done mate!:)
Nicely done, Mr. C. When I saw your first pic of the blank prop, my first thought was that looks nothing like the paddle bladed prop for the Stuka. Well done!
In the last couple of months, very little progress has been made on the Stuka.
Too many other things going on. Promise to get back on it this week-end....

Hi All:
This past week-end it was clean the garage, so we could get back on the
Stuka. Matt wanted to know where "Mr. C's models were born", so we
got a couple pic's of the model working area. And the top of the Stuka
wing has been covered. It has been sprayed with water and is drying and
shrinking. You can see the bf-109 and the Stuka hanging, waiting to be
completed, and the wing is drying. Last pic shows my stable-mate.



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Hello all:

Just a couple of shots of a dry fit of the wing to the fuselage. Going to work
on the wheel pants tonight. Don't like they way the designer did them [with
balsa and tissue] so I'm going to scratch build them from balsa. Sorry the one
pic is out of focus, will do better next time.



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Hey Catch ! Here's how we scratch build stuka wheel pants. First pic shows
the parts cut out. The center piece is 3/8" sheet balsa. Second pic is the
parts glued together, with a whole lot of sanding to do. Third pic is a dry
fit to the wing. Gonna let it dry overnight.



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