My "Stuka"

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I haven't been there for some days and many new things there in the forum.This is great.Charles I'm very impressed.The Ju87 looks nice,I'll try to find some things you need.
Charles. new guy here. The majority of JU 87s were used as dive bombers and so had 7.92mm guns mounted in wing roots and one in rear canopy facing tail. however anti tank versions used in western desert and by the reknowned ace Hans Rudel on the Ostfront had 20mm or even 37mm cannon slung under the wings , one each side, used to devastating effect against upper and rear armour of allied and soviet vehicles. might be interesting to scratch build and add these. they look like pods with barrels protruding, look on the net. youtube have good footage of them in action.
Nizzer: Thanks for the info. I am going to make mine a JU 87-B1, which was
an early (circa 1939-40) model. I've already decided to dump the "cheesey"
(non-tapered) wheel pants that came with the kit, and scratch-build some
decent looking wheel pants. As for the rest of you, here's where we are. The
fuselage, rudder and stabilizer are ready for the 50/50 mix of clear
dope/thinner. While that's going on I'll construct the wings.

After putting these pic's up, I realize you can't see much with white on white.
I'll do better next time. The blue thing in the cockpit is the rubber motor.



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Worked on the wing, last night. It's a bugger ! Center section is constructed
"off plans", then pinned on the plan, after the outer sections are finished.
After everything dries (tonight !) I will do the one inch-plus (per side)
dihedral. It will be fun to cover. Going to junk the poorly designed pants
and scratch build some decent looking wheelpants. I swear... if thing had re-
tractable landing gear, I'd build the plane with the gear up !

Maybe pic's tonight.....

Just finished setting the dihedral (1.25 inches per side !), and have it weighed
with the needle-nose and pinned. Heres a couple of pic's, taken this evening.
Will try to have it covered before the week-end gets here. You can see the
fuselage and the tail ass'y in the background.



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The last time I worked on the Stuka was in January. Well, the weather is
a bit warmer, and today I felt like it. Attached the cowl, today and thought
I'd work on the prop. They gave me a spinner and three blank prop blades.
I'm supose to shape the blades and attach to the spinner. No way, Jose !
I bought a stock 6/4 [pitch/length] three bladed prop and proceeded to
mother-fy it. The first pic is of the prop before I started, and the second
pic is with two blades shaped and sanded. I hope to cover the top side
of the wings tonight, and finish the prop.

You're right..... it's been too long since I worked on the Stuka.

Comments and suggestions are always welcomed.



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