Nakajima Ki-44 CGI Project

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Thanks for checking, Wojtek, Hugh and Eric!
I'm still working on the landing gear for more details...

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Thank you very much, Hugh, for kind checking!

I'm currently working on the tail wheel.
Not a few RC modellers look understanding the wheel-bay doors open outward but they open upward as if sliding up along the outer skin because the hinges are located inside the fuselage. I hope I can show the mechanism in my CGI soon.

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Thank you very much for kind comments, Crimea_River and Dave!

Motion settings have paralyzed my dull brain.
As mentioned, I think the American designer for this retractable landing gear was genius at the time when no PC tools available like today

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Wait a said "American designer", so is this to say that the KI-44's landing gear configuration was adopted from an American design?

Yes, it is, Dave.
It is well known among us that an American designer for the Vought V-143 invented the retractable landing gear almost for the first time in the world and his system was adopted for the Nakajima Ki-44. Mitsubishi also followed for its Zeros at the same period.
You are welcome, Geo

Chikuhei Nakajima, founder of Nakajima Aircraft, requested his engineers not to imitate the western technologies but the reality was not so easy as he dreamed.
On the other hand, Mitsubishi style was to study them as they were to find out any chances to improve.

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