New member

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Senior Master Sergeant
Feb 9, 2006
Well I've been browsing this site for awhile now and since I love planes especially WW11 vintage I've decided to register. I find this site extremely interesting and thought provoking with a vast amount of knowledge from different parts of the world. I hope I can contribute in some small way. PS:Favorite planes, Hawker Tempest,any FW190,Mossies,later Spits....
Nice area around Bear Creek...I play golf up at Fox Hollow. Occasionally catch the drags at Bandimere and visit Green Mountain guns a bit...........
Torch said:
Nice area around Bear Creek...I play golf up at Fox Hollow. Occasionally catch the drags at Bandimere and visit Green Mountain guns a bit...........

Too funny - well welcome, you'll enjoy it here!
The one with the dude up his nose 'n' out of his eye is fucked up big time ...

Welcome Torch nice to have a new face on the site you obviously have been browsing the site for some time as you have summed it up very eloquently, the knowledge that some of the guys have on here is indeed extensive.
However I am not one of them, I am, in fact, the vast amount that you spoke of.
Although I claim it is down to big bones in truth its just that I'm a greedy git.
Enjoy the site Torch, just don't take the piss out of the Stringbag

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