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machine shop tom

Senior Airman
Apr 13, 2007
Hi guys! I'm a new member. I think this site is really great. I am an avid WWII modeler, usually planes and armor. I am looking forward to learning from and sharing with all of you.

Man, thats an oldie, but goodie.... U wanna see an awesome one???? Just for u Kloby, use if u would like....


  • zzzzzRK8.jpg
    2.5 KB · Views: 85
Yes, I use an airbrush. This is the first batch I have used one on. The Me109 is the first model I have used a double-action airbrush on. The Avenger and Wildcat are modeled after planes that flew from my Dad's CVE.

The Spitfire was built by my 10-year old son. He hand painted the cammo.

Thanks to all for your replies. It is a very good feeling knowing that people from all around the world have such warm thoughts and greetings.


You fly/flew, I just had one go past the house about 2 weeks ago. I had never seen or heard one before. Damn...what a thrill it was just for a moment seeing that dude go by in level flight. And the props holy cow they are huge. Sorry to say I heard him coming a ways off but we have thick air here on the northwest coast. How much power that is, it must feel fantastic.

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