Hello there. I am new to the forum and just wanted to say hi to everyone.
I have been reading the forum over the years and thought it time I should join.
I am based in Selsey in West Sussex, UK, and walk on the beach every day. I often finds scraps of alloy washed up along with the odd bullet or cannon cases.
This morning whilst walking the dog I came across what appears to be piece of a tail wheel tyre which is intriguing me.
It's only a partial piece and is marked Palmer P.A. 99. I presume this stands for Palmer Aero as well.
It is also marked as Electrically Con.... so I also presume that makes it a tail wheel tyre.
I researched Palmer Tyre Ltd and they have a long history starting in 1895 and ceasing production of aircraft tyres in 1956 after they were acquired by BTR (British Tyre and Rubber).
I have found photos online of a PA 19 tyre but not anything relating to a PA99.
Therefore I just wondered if anyone had any thoughts or ideas on the origin and use of such a tyre?
Secondly a couple of months ago I found a piece of allow washed up on the beach which has internal cogs on it and I also wondered if anyone had any idea if this is aircraft related, as I don't suppose alloy is used on boats due to its corrosive capabilities.
It might be nothing, but I always get curious when I find stuff like this on the beach. Seeing as Selsey saw a lot of activity during the Battle of Britain and WWII, I am always interested in the history relating to this period.
Many thanks in advance.
Best Regards