Newbie here.

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First time here so be gentle. It looks like a place with lots of people with lots of answers.
I have been told that there is an Iraqi Mig-21 that is refered to as the F-14 killer, I know, stop laughing, but if any of you can confirm this with a link or a copy of data along with a picture I'd sure like to see it.
Now that you all have picked yourselves up off the floor from laughing, I'm serious. Thanks and I hope to be around for a longtime. Nice place you have here.
hawkonevoodoo said:
First time here so be gentle. It looks like a place with lots of people with lots of answers.
I have been told that there is an Iraqi Mig-21 that is refered to as the F-14 killer, I know, stop laughing, but if any of you can confirm this with a link or a copy of data along with a picture I'd sure like to see it.
Now that you all have picked yourselves up off the floor from laughing, I'm serious. Thanks and I hope to be around for a longtime. Nice place you have here.
Don't laugh too hard - go to this site and read about the Iran/ Iraq War. Mig-21s shot down F-14s and F-5s shot down Mig-25s....

Arabian Peninsula Persian Gulf Database
Thanks for the link but can you be more specific, there are so many articles and links on that site that I'll never find.
hawkonevoodoo said:
Thanks for the link but can you be more specific, there are so many articles and links on that site that I'll never find.
Scroll down the page, read the links and click, it's that simple!:rolleyes:

lesofprimus said:
Oh Jesus....

Its called research... Spend the time and learn something rather than just having people through answers in ur face...

Ull be a better and more intelligent man if u do some of ur own research...
Yep - I had a cousin tell me once - "I give you books, you eat the covers!"
lesofprimus said:
Oh Jesus....

Its called research... Spend the time and learn something rather than just having people through answers in ur face...

Ull be a better and more intelligent man if u do some of ur own research...
I guess I was wrong when I thought this was going to be a nice place. With pissy attitudes like this I'm surprised anybody bothers asking any questions. For your information, I have done a ton of research and couldn't find anything so I sought some help but I sure picked the wrong place to it, especially from an A hole like you. Don't worry, I won't stick around here to bother you again.
hawkonevoodoo said:
I guess I was wrong when I thought this was going to be a nice place. With pissy attitudes like this I'm surprised anybody bothers asking any questions. For your information, I have done a ton of research and couldn't find anything so I sought some help but I sure picked the wrong place to it, especially from an A hole like you. Don't worry, I won't stick around here to bother you again.
Here you go, Dan, saved in a gif transparency.


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