NFL 2011 Thread

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Dang Chris did you use tarot cards or a chyrstal ball?? New Orleans Saints 27-24 Atlanta Falcons

Fox radio are calling the 49'ers Elite along with Green Bay.DefinitionElite(thier's):A team that can win consistently(yes) over a period of seasons(likeGB).How can they apply that when it's the new coach's fiirst year?In fact they said no other team even comes close to GBay 49ers hmmnn!!I might beg to differ some there but I guess we will have to wait for the playoffs and to be honest I think 49ers right now are tougher than GBay.I am think'in if we have to play GB again the Saints will take them after Aaron Rogers smart@@s remark after the last game.
well appears as if the jets sh*t the bed. Hopefully we can pull wildcard cause we have a very soft schedule the rest of the year!
Dang Chris did you use tarot cards or a chyrstal ball?? New Orleans Saints 27-24 Atlanta Falcons

Fox radio are calling the 49'ers Elite along with Green Bay.DefinitionElite(thier's):A team that can win consistently(yes) over a period of seasons(likeGB).How can they apply that when it's the new coach's fiirst year?In fact they said no other team even comes close to GBay 49ers hmmnn!!I might beg to differ some there but I guess we will have to wait for the playoffs and to be honest I think 49ers right now are tougher than GBay.I am think'in if we have to play GB again the Saints will take them after Aaron Rogers smart@@s remark after the last game.

They are actually saying the Niners are the possibly the best team to match up with the Packers because of the tough 49er Defense, that can control a game.

Only time will tell. I am not willing to put my team up on the same pedestal as the Packers. We have to do more first. But this is one hell of a start!!! I think it can only get better form here. Imagine if Harbaugh would have had a full off season to work with this unit.
49ers/Giants was a great game yesterday! the game came right down to the wire. Gutsy call going for that onside kick! Proved to be the game winning decision! I do think the 49ers offense can use a little work, but the defense is awesome! What a difference a year and a new head coach makes. Patrick Willis was a monster yesterday! 11 tackles, 1 sack. I agree that the Packers are still the team to beat, but I am more confident from the performance yesterday that a 49ers/Packers match up would be a great game. I would have never guessed at the start of the year that the 49ers would be 8-1, I was hopeful for a winning record and possible winning the division, so I am extremely happy so far! Keeping my fingers crossed for a great rest of the season as anything can happen!
Looks like Ryan's mouth might get him in trouble again. He told a fan to "Shut the **** up!" and the video made it onto Youtube.

:lol: What a dumbass...

our schedule Broncos, Bills, Chiefs, Redskins, Eagles, Giants, Dolphins

I could see us going 11-5 (loosing to giants or even 10-6 with loss to eagles) Crucial we win our next game vs buffalo so if it comes down to them and the jets we own the tie breaker.
Two big injuries

Matt Schaub significant foot injury which will have him sidelined for several weeks
Mike Vick Broken Ribs out some time as well
Matt Cassel as well with a significant hand injury

Both are believed (Cassel and Schaub) to be done for rest of season. I actually liked the Texans shot this year. Maybe Leinart can work some magic :lol:
They had been doing that anyway with Andre Johnson being out. Teams could cover the other WR one on one so the LB'ers could stay home against the run, keeping 7 or 8 in the box. I hope Schaub gets better because Houston has the talent to go a long way. (as long as they don't beat Pittsburgh) :lol:
The way the Jets are playing they might have a hard time against the Bronco's,their D is looking much better, Miller is looking damn good,now if Tebow can only complete a couple passes!!
Tom Brady and Tim Tebow are very different QB's......but I agree both sides of the ball are playing bad but when you throw the ball 9 times and only complete two passes if speaks volumes about how much faith your offensive coaches has in your QB
Last week: 8-8
Overall: 92-52

This week:

New York Jets 30-10 Denver Broncos
Baltimore Ravens 20-14 Cincinnati Bengals
Jacksonville Jaguars 23-17 Cleveland Browns
Detroit Lions 33-27 Carolina Panthers
Green Bay Packers 27-16 Tampa Bay Bucanneers
Buffalo Bills 24-17 Miami Dolphins
Oakland Raiders 20-17 Minnesota Vikings
Dallas Cowboys 27-10 Washington Redskins
San Francisco 49ers 23-13 Arizona Cardinals
Seattle Seahawks 20-17 St. Louis Rams
Atlanta Falcons 26-20 Tennessee Titans
Chicago Bears 23-17 San Diego Chargers
New York Giants 23-20 Philadelphia Eagles
New England Patriots 30-27 Kansas City Chiefs (Yes the Patriots D is that bad...)
Eh with such a short week I have a terrible feeling about this game

Good think our linebacker coach Bob Sutton was army's head coach for 9 years and they run the triple option as well.


I have to say I am so happy! I would love to have seen Ryan's face after this game. What kind of excuses is he coming up for this Super Bowl team this time Harrison? To me this is just perfect Karma.

I'm glad you all enjoy it as well..I don't really care what he has to say I just think the Offensive Coordinator and Sanchez need to go.

The Broncos O scored that one TD at the end...the other was the INT by a stupid pass by sanchez that got returned. oh well I hope we can get a good young cover saftey.
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