NFL 2011 Thread

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It all started with the Asomugha obsession. We didn't sign WR's we needed and it hurts us. Sanchez doesn't have any of the receivers from his first year and only 1 person from last year (holmes is still here)

Thats why I think we should go 9-7, miss the playoffs, draft Mohammed Sanu from Rutgers. Jeremey Kerley our rookie and number 3 receiver looks pretty good and Holmes has 4 years left here. We need to keep the same group around him.

You can have him. The guy is a joke. Don't take it so hard H. AT least the Jets looked fairly good so far this year and gave you guys hope and may still work bugs out. Unlike PHilly.....
IMO, you got it a little wrong Harrison. What the Jets need is a running game again. Take for example the stupid Cowturds. When Romo was having to do it all, they looked terrible. But now that DeMarco Murrey is showing himself to be a good runner, looked how it has helped Romo out.

The past couple years, the Jets could run the ball pretty well so Sanchez didn't have to do it all. Now that their running game has gone invisible, Sanchez is being exposed. So the answer is to reestablish the running game first. I don't give two hoots one way or the other about Sanchez, but I'm sure glad coach Ryan got Tebow-ized. Pompous, accomplished nothing, loud mouth, fat a$$.

Well Greene and LT are both hurt so Joe McKnight and Bilal Powell are carrying the load. and its Tebow-ed
Today in the Philadelphia Bulletin.....

"Philadelphia Eagles football practice was delayed nearly two hours today after a player reported finding an unknown white powdery substance on the practice field. Head coach Andy Reid immediately suspended practice while police and federal investigators were called to investigate. After a complete analysis, FBI forensic experts determined that the white substance unknown to players was the goal line. Practice was resumed after special agents decided the team was unlikely to encounter the substance again."
Eagles and Giants look sad. DeSean just left with a bad knee, Vince Young looks like hes 62 yrs old - can't throw for cr@p. Hope they pull this one out. At least Manning is 1 for 8 passing so far.
What was with that dude throwing punches..

AZ Wide Out Doucet (or however you spell his name) came up behind Goldson after the QB was sacked and hit him on the back of the head. Doucet is a douch and sore loser. Goldson got up and started hitting him back. Goldson did not start it, but he certainly should not have done it. I am fine with the ejection. Doucet should have been ejected as well. Hopefully the Comish will see the full replay of the incident and fine Doucet as well.

It may be a 1 game suspension for both. Because of the incident with FInnegan and Johnson, but then again Charles Woodson was only fined 10,000 dollars for a punch. It'll be interesting to see.
It may be a 1 game suspension for both. Because of the incident with FInnegan and Johnson, but then again Charles Woodson was only fined 10,000 dollars for a punch. It'll be interesting to see.

There should be no suspension. The NFL has not suspended any of the other players involved in fights the last few games.

Even if there is a suspension though, he will appeal and at least be able to play on Thursday...

Thought the game was a little sloppy, but I am sure the rain did not help anything. Too many stupid penalties! although I am looking forward to the 49ers/Ravens game, this will be another ! What a great way to spend the holiday! I'm also rooting for the Lions to beat the Packers!
Last Week: 11-3
Overall: 103-55

This week:

Detroit Lions 30-27 Green Bay Packers (Lions D is better and the Pack is bound to lose eventually)
Dallas Cowboys 24-21 Miami Dolphins (Hope it is the other way around though...)
San Francisco 49ers 20-17 Baltimore Ravens (Overtime. Very even game, but I have to stick with my team)
Atlanta Falcons 23-14 Minnesota Vikings
Tampa Bay Bucaneers 23-17 Tennessee Titans
Arizona Cardinals 27-13 St. Louis Rams
CArolina Panthers 26-20 Indianapolis Colts
Cinncinati Bengals 24-10 Cleveland Browns
Houston Texans 21-19 Jacksonville Jaguars
New York Jets 23-20 Buffalo Bills (Hope I am wrong though...)
Seattle Seahawks 19-16 Washington Redskins
Oakland Raiders 23-17 Chicago Bears (See how they are without Cutler...)
New England Patriots 26-21 Philadelphia Eagles
San Diego Chargers 27-10 Denver Broncos
Pittsburgh Steelers 30-14 Kansas City Chiefs
New Orleans 27-24 New York Giants
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Chris, I really hope - out of all the teams - that the Niners make it all the way this year. There really isn't a negative I take from them and besides, the appear to be the hope for the NFC!
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