NFL 2011 Thread

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I think attitude has to play a part in the Jets and the cockiness that seems to permeate every NYC sports franchise certainly found a home in the Jets,
I think all trash talking does is ignite the fire in your opponents, and make them try even harder to beat you. Never been a fan of trash talking, unless you are the greatest team in the league, most of the time it will come back to bite you in your arse! If I am the opponent of the trash talkers, all trash talking is going to do is make me practice harder, scout the films more, and unite my team to win that game. I think the Jets trash talking is doing exactly the opposite of what Ryan is wanting it to do, it's making their opponents want to win even more, and making it harder for the Jets to do so.
The other side of the coin was the 85 Bears! Did they trash talk? Hell Yes. But, they walked the walk. They definitely had the Defense to back it up, and a pretty good offense obviously. No one could touch them to shut them up. Now, I am not making this post towards the Jets Harrison, but just in general. If you are a mediocre team, without the complete ability to back up the talk, it's going to fill your opponents with a firm resolve and dedication to kick your ass on Sunday. Just my opinion, I could be wrong, been wrong many times before.
49ers Release Braylon Edwards. news: Edwards announces his release from 49ers; team confirms move

Not sure if I agree with this. I certainly would not resign him. He is overrated and quite frankly does not even seem to really try, but I don't think I would have released him. We are pretty thin at WR right now.

Anyhow, here you go Harrison. You can gladly have him back, trust me he won't fix your problems.

I think your wrong. Olaf is a heartless reciever who is only good in the redzone. Edwards fit in here really well and had 950 yards receiving last year. Sanchez does.take dumb sacks but I have some faith if we fix the oline next year we will look better.
Last Week: 12-4
Overall: 158-80

This Week:

Detroit Lions 30-23 Green Bay Packers (Pack is gonna rest up)
Tennessee Titans 13-10 Houston Texans
Jacksonville Jaguars 23-17 Indianapolis Colts (Colts still want the No. 1 Pick...)
Miami Dolphins 23-20 New York Jets
Chicago Bears 20-17 Minnesota Vikings
New England Patriots 24-23 Buffalo Bills
New Orleans Saints 30-26 Carolina Panthers (The Saints are still hoping the Niners lose...)
Philadelphia Eagles 27-15 Washington Redskins
San Francisco 49ers 27-3 St. Louis Rams
Seattle Seahawks 22-19 Arizona Cardinals
Atlanta Falcons 30-7 Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Baltimore Ravens 23-20 Cincinnati Bengals
Pittsburgh Steelers 21-10 Cleveland Browns
Denver Broncos 17-14 Kansas City Chiefs
Oakland Raiders 23-21 San Diego Chargers
New York Giants 37-34 Dallas Cowboys
feel better go for the Giants and you won't be so downtrodden
how about that Mr. Brees......awesome job my man !!!!!!! god love the Niners, but Drop The Ball....

And the Blog comments are alive with "they have no class pushing the score" HA HA will try playing 60 minutes of football and for God's Sake please quit trying 4th and 1 on your own 30!!!!Punt the ball and make your opponent earn the score sheeez! But it's been a full week for sure Coors.Brady make take the title this week if Brees does not put up atleast 200yds in the first half talk is 2nd string may go in in the 2nd half and yes Chris hoping the 49er's take the Rams lightly
Jets loose! No playoffs this year, good luck to all the teams this year.

Chris and just about everyone else, you were all right, gonna be an interesting off season in terms of QB, coaches, and other moves. Lets go Falcons!

Jets play NFC West and AFC south next year I believe (schedule rotation) .
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Should be a good playoffs (no matter what happens), we don't have to hear Ryan talking ****. (Sorry had to squeeze that one in Harrison...).

49ers had a wake up call this afternoon. Leading 34-13 with less than half the 4th Quarter left to play, they let up and almost allowed the Rams to come back. Ended up only winning 34-27. I think this is a good thing though, put the boys back on track.

Edit: Harrison, not sure if you have seen this. Seems like there are lots of problems with the Jets. For your sake, I hope Ryan has not lost control of the team.
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Nah Chris its Holmes being his normal diva self. I hope we trade him for a draft pick or deccent runningback to compliment Greene. Bring Edwards back and keep our young wideouts that want to play and have shown promise
Well Saints and Co. put on another outstanding win with many NFL as well as personal franchise records set.Detroit next week in the Dome and hopefully after that off to our old Archrival San Francisco!!!Hopefully put up some stout points like today and make Alex Smith play catchup!Then when the offense goes one dimensionel then comes the Blitz like today.
Well, my Eagles ended with a 4 game win streak beating the Redskins 34-10, and they're 5-1 in the Division playoffs. Sadly I think that they won't re-sign DeSean Jackson for next year but will keep Andy.

Chris, you're welcome! Seems Akers ain't as bad as the Eagles thought!
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