Nine O Nine trip

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Vassili Zaitzev

Master Sergeant
Nov 25, 2005
Connecticut, United States
Well, on Saturday, my folks, and grandparents took me and foch up to New York. Turns out they had a early Christmas present for us. I have to get to class soon, but here our some photos from the flight.

PS: If they're too big, can a mod resize them?


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Very jealous! I saw Niine O Nine when she came to North Carolina back in 1994, but I have never flown in her.

I will some day however.
You should Adler, it's an awesome experience. By the way, the guy in the grey hoodie is me, my brother was the one taking the photos. I did get some shots with my camera phone though. I'll have more pictures uploaded later today.
Very cool. In Dallas, we actually have a choice of B-24's to ride. You can ride WitchCraft with the Collins foundation or ride the Ol 927 at Cavanaugh Flight Museum. Of course, I have haven't rode either one. :(
First sortie complete, top bloke !. Welcome to the 17 club. Looking forward to some more pics.

Did you take the ear plugs out all ? time is a take off power setting :twisted:, then you really do hear the full benfit from the Cyclone exhausts !!! (Its OK, glad you took the precaution)
Geedee, sorry, but I kept the ear plugs in for the trip. I still could hear the engines running though. As promised, I'll upload more photos. Sorry if they're too big, I don't have a way to resize them.


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