Official Sig / Avatar test Thread

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I see that you don't have an tag at the beginning of the code.

I added it but the pictures still doesn't show up.
I get a red X instead.
I am extremely curious why it isn't showing up after I did that.
This should work but it isn't...

[PHP][img] [/PHP]

Last edited by a moderator:
Here you go N4521U.
Copy what is in the code box into your signature line.


The double dots ( .. ) before jpg was part of the problem.
The other problem is that you didn't use the tag at the front of the text.



  • 116618.jpg
    23.3 KB · Views: 22
i give up..................................................................

Yep... you have really forgotten about the initial tag code.I have already fixed it.Now it should work.

Generally the tags need to use the URL address of a pic.That's way the incorrect form of the code is the main reason of not displaying of a picture.
Also this is a reason I hate these photobucket URLs and other ones from the net that aren't addresses of our own server.

The correct URL address should be taken from the menu of a pic properties.
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It isn't showing because the address of the pic is incorrect.It should be an URL one pasted between these two "img" tags.
Thanks guys.

There was one awesome shot of a A-10 warthog but the darn thing is encoded and I can't get it to downsize. It was a shark mouth front on shot that was JUST too cool. Original image is 3000 x 1200 so I can't even repost it here.

These were the other two choices I had:


  • f_14_tomcat_5v3.jpg
    18.3 KB · Views: 105
  • AIR_F-15E_Firing_lgv2.jpg
    25.5 KB · Views: 119
.... with your sign Dwight.


  • f14-tomcat-sunrise4b.jpg
    29.8 KB · Views: 113
  • f14-tomcat-sunrise4c.jpg
    28.2 KB · Views: 85,228

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