Official Sig / Avatar test Thread

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Couple of nice siggys there boys. Just a suggestion Aaron, maybe if you chop a bit off the bottom rather than having all that grass and on my monitor (17") the writing is a bit hard to read.

:hotsun: :hotsun:
Here's a few of my bids with ABW's permisson:


  • 4421_siggy.jpg
    41.2 KB · Views: 119
  • 6539_siggy.jpg
    44.1 KB · Views: 5,809
  • ABWsiggy1.jpg
    23 KB · Views: 113
  • ABWsiggy2.jpg
    23.6 KB · Views: 1,181
  • 5660_siggy.jpg
    41.6 KB · Views: 66,409
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I LOVE'EM ALL!!!:greenjumpers: Way to go Maria. Those just ROCK!!:headbang: Lucky and I tried for and hour to get the one I did to upload and it wouldn't do it. I even followed your directions and did the save for web to no avail but yours way outdid mine by a longshot. Thank you!!!!!!!!:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
I LOVE'EM ALL!!!:greenjumpers: Way to go Maria. Those just ROCK!!:headbang: Lucky and I tried for and hour to get the one I did to upload and it wouldn't do it. I even followed your directions and did the save for web to no avail but yours way outdid mine by a longshot. Thank you!!!!!!!!:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

You're quite welcome - and thanks for letting me use your pictures to work with here. ;)
Thanks ABW, that's what I tried to get through while working; I'm glad to hear that it worked. ;)
It's frightfully easy to make a very cluttered siggy, so I try to make my siggys as clear and simple as you've prolly found out. *grin*

BTW all, I'll stick to my new avatar for a while now.
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Thanks again, I thought that it was about time that I got an appropriate avatar, instead of a hip tomcat of one kind or the other. :lol:
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Heh, you're right - it does remind me of James Earl Jones. *chuckle*
Not bad for a Dogue de Bordeaux. :thumbleft:

EDIT: Here's a couple more ideas:


  • nysiggy.jpg
    35.7 KB · Views: 17,377
  • nysiggy5.jpg
    26.9 KB · Views: 195
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