Official Sig / Avatar test Thread (2 Viewers)

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DeHavillandMosquito 3.jpg
Very nice Maria. I like the concept very much. Only things I would change is to put the silhouette of early mark Spitfire (without the wing cannons) as those used in the battle and change the size/color of the font as its hard to read it.
Hmmm that sounds like a darned good idea, Imalko - I'll try it, thanks for the input. :thumbleft:
Maybe I can just clone the wing cannons, so that they disappear on the pic, and the text - I think it might look a lot nicer in a darker shade of sky blue, with a different coloured drop shadow, to make the text easier to read and to set it off from the background colours. ;)

EDIT: Pics added.


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