Went to Laughlin a week ago and had to grab this shot of this Chevy for sale. Thought you might like it Aaron. Got a shot of my Falcon with his lunch, that was rare, he usually flys off with it. Last another sunrise.
All of them are excellent Merv! It is great when you can catch nature like that. Wish that I could catch one like that. The sunset is gorgeous. And the 60' Impala is cooooollll. Do you know how much they are asking for it?
This first shot is of my very first ever camera, a 620, Imperial Reflex. I was about 12, and got it by selling seeds door to door in Long Beach, CA. Aaron I tried your pan shooting but this Swallow Tail didn't slow down
That's not bad. I have found that the farther from the object you are the better but you have to slow your shutter speed down more to get the desired effect. The distance will give you( "more wiggle room")*.
As far as panning goes, you're going to have a heck of a time trying to dial in a flying insect, as thier paths are impossible to predict, unlike a B-17 or a P-51 roaring past. I know a few of the guys got a chuckle out of one of my photo posts, where I was practising pan shots on flies from my balcony (with my 70-300 lens no less)...but it actually helps: one hand on the focus and the other on the shutter and take a ton of shots!